Last scanned 13 hours ago
About Perplexed |
Perplexed is an old guild that transferred from Defias Brotherhood to Silvermoon at the release of Shadowlands. We’re currently looking to expand our DPS (especially looking for mages, locks and priests) and healing roster for HC raiding, but all classes are welcome for m+ and social. We raid Wednesday & Thursday 19:30-22:30 (servertime). We’re not hardcore per say, we all have IRL matters to attend to, so we’re not rushing for world first, but wish to progress in the upcoming raids at a reasonable pace nonetheless and at least get AOTC. What we are looking for in you: Friendly and mature people that are looking to raid, improve their play and most importantly have fun. People that are okay with taking things at a reasonable pace but still play on a decent level and have a desire to progress. From raiders we expect: Activity: Activity besides only playing on raid nights, such as running dungeons with guildies, doing some PVP, working on professions or just chatting in Discord for example. Attendance and reliability: If you plan on raiding with us, please ensure you can make raid hours and let the GM or Officers know ahead of time if you can’t make it. Performance: We expect people to put in an effort in their performance, be that dps or hps. That performance doesn’t have to be Mythic level, but we expect people to know how to play their class and spec at an acceptable level and if needed improve over time. Being able to take constructive criticism and use it to improve play. Feel free to throw us a message if this sounds interesting! Discord: Zhumie#5642 Last updated 187 weeks ago |
About Perplexed |
Perplexed is an old guild that transferred from Defias Brotherhood to Silvermoon at the release of Shadowlands. We’re currently looking to expand our DPS (especially looking for mages, locks and priests) and healing roster for HC raiding, but all classes are welcome for m+ and social. We raid Wednesday & Thursday 19:30-22:30 (servertime). We’re not hardcore per say, we all have IRL matters to attend to, so we’re not rushing for world first, but wish to progress in the upcoming raids at a reasonable pace nonetheless and at least get AOTC. What we are looking for in you: Friendly and mature people that are looking to raid, improve their play and most importantly have fun. People that are okay with taking things at a reasonable pace but still play on a decent level and have a desire to progress. From raiders we expect: Activity: Activity besides only playing on raid nights, such as running dungeons with guildies, doing some PVP, working on professions or just chatting in Discord for example. Attendance and reliability: If you plan on raiding with us, please ensure you can make raid hours and let the GM or Officers know ahead of time if you can’t make it. Performance: We expect people to put in an effort in their performance, be that dps or hps. That performance doesn’t have to be Mythic level, but we expect people to know how to play their class and spec at an acceptable level and if needed improve over time. Being able to take constructive criticism and use it to improve play. Feel free to throw us a message if this sounds interesting! Discord: Zhumie#5642 Last updated 187 weeks ago |