1/8 M
Liberation of Undermine
5/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
5/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 14 hours ago

About Smile

Smile is currently only recruiting social players.

The guild consists of mature classic/tbc/wrath veteran players most of us have raided at a high level at some point in our wow career.

The majority of us are old gits just and like a steady 2day a week raiding schedule .

We do M+ on an evening, also some players do the odd bit of pvp!

If this sounds like a guild for you keep going down to the recruitment section !!!

We are a raiding guild focused on Aotc in to Mythic raiding progression. Our current progression is 4/8m.

We are currently looking for skilled and motivated players to join our ranks and push content to the next level!

What We Offer: Consistent raid times 8pm - 11pm cet (Server time) A friendly and focused atmosphere for raiding and progression Experienced leadership with a track record of clearing content

A strong, like-minded community of players who enjoy pushing their limits for them kills (and logs)

What We’re Looking For: Players who will fight for there place to show us why they are here!

Players with a good understanding of mechanics and who are committed to improving in whatever way they can.

A positive attitude and a willingness to learn and work as a team, there's no I in team!

Item level over 630 is a bonus but not the be and end all! So if your not 630 but have good logs or if you have returned to wow and are struggling to find a home, not to worry we got you!

How to Apply:
Message me Bubble#22977 on, I'm available most of the time if you don't get an instant reply don't worry ill be with you pretty quick.

Join us, and let's crush some Bosses together! We can’t wait to see you in action!

Last updated 4 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Kurze

Officers: Donny, Schopie, Thirouc, Tulegit

About Smile

Smile is currently only recruiting social players.

The guild consists of mature classic/tbc/wrath veteran players most of us have raided at a high level at some point in our wow career.

The majority of us are old gits just and like a steady 2day a week raiding schedule .

We do M+ on an evening, also some players do the odd bit of pvp!

If this sounds like a guild for you keep going down to the recruitment section !!!

We are a raiding guild focused on Aotc in to Mythic raiding progression. Our current progression is 4/8m.

We are currently looking for skilled and motivated players to join our ranks and push content to the next level!

What We Offer: Consistent raid times 8pm - 11pm cet (Server time) A friendly and focused atmosphere for raiding and progression Experienced leadership with a track record of clearing content

A strong, like-minded community of players who enjoy pushing their limits for them kills (and logs)

What We’re Looking For: Players who will fight for there place to show us why they are here!

Players with a good understanding of mechanics and who are committed to improving in whatever way they can.

A positive attitude and a willingness to learn and work as a team, there's no I in team!

Item level over 630 is a bonus but not the be and end all! So if your not 630 but have good logs or if you have returned to wow and are struggling to find a home, not to worry we got you!

How to Apply:
Message me Bubble#22977 on, I'm available most of the time if you don't get an instant reply don't worry ill be with you pretty quick.

Join us, and let's crush some Bosses together! We can’t wait to see you in action!

Last updated 4 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Kurze

Officers: Donny, Schopie, Thirouc, Tulegit

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Mythic1/8 M1,9361,1875
Heroic5/8 H3,3451,9685
Normal8/8 N1,6047732
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic5/8 M2,9091,6745
Heroic8/8 H4,6632,6336
Normal8/8 N1,4738453
RealmID 711
GroupID 1313044
GuildID 1346086

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 14 hours ago