Last scanned 2 weeks ago
About Conventus |
Conventus is a guild that has been raiding since Legion. We're a chill guild that enjoy raiding twice a week. Raid Days & Times are currently: Thursdays & Sundays: 20:00ST - 22:30ST - Invites go out for 19:45 We also host Mythic+ evenings on a Wednesday evenings too! Past & Current Progress for BFA: Uldir 8/8H 2/8M Battle for Dazar'alor 9/9H 4/9M Crucible of Storms 2/2H Eternal Palace 8/8H 4/8M Ny'alotha 12/12HC 6/12M Interested? Whisper either the Guild Master or any of the Officers or join our discord: Guild Master: walker193#2842 Officer: SaarCOOKIE#2749 Officer: Arakeen#2736 Officer: NoResT#2727 Discord: Last updated 241 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Byesun Officers: Igotgnomes, Lekanoshtzz, Upaduck, Yamvsichko |
About Conventus |
Conventus is a guild that has been raiding since Legion. We're a chill guild that enjoy raiding twice a week. Raid Days & Times are currently: Thursdays & Sundays: 20:00ST - 22:30ST - Invites go out for 19:45 We also host Mythic+ evenings on a Wednesday evenings too! Past & Current Progress for BFA: Uldir 8/8H 2/8M Battle for Dazar'alor 9/9H 4/9M Crucible of Storms 2/2H Eternal Palace 8/8H 4/8M Ny'alotha 12/12HC 6/12M Interested? Whisper either the Guild Master or any of the Officers or join our discord: Guild Master: walker193#2842 Officer: SaarCOOKIE#2749 Officer: Arakeen#2736 Officer: NoResT#2727 Discord: Last updated 241 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?