
5/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 5th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Disbanded

Who are we : Disbanded is a Heroic raiding guild founded in Legion with the intention of getting Ahead of the Curve in a decent pace each tier. We are currently rebuilding our community and search for you who enjoy playing the game more then just on raid night. Our intentions are Ahead of the Curve, but if we get enough people Mythic raiding is not off the table since we have previous experience with that. The main goal is always to have fun though and to enjoy each others company.

By joining the guild you should know: We are not a hardcore raiding guild, but we expect you to show up consistently and respect our time by not being late, and tell if you wont show up. M+ is a big part of the guild and with how the game has progressed M+ is becoming more important to keep you character up to par. We have a lot of M+ players and enjoy learning in a group.

Expectations: Show up to raidnights, play the game more then during raid hours to respect the time we all put into the game. Ask if theres something you dont understand, being vocal is better then wiping. Know that enchants, gems and other things to improve your character. Addons: Angry assignments, Bigwigs ord DBM, Weak Auras

What you get from joining us: A great community with a lot of humor and a high ceiling.

Raidtimes: Thursday: 20.30 - 22.30 Sunday: 20.30- 22.30.

For more information: (infectiaa on Discord).

Last updated 65 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Buffinfectia

Officers: Codaks, Leroy, Zoonia

About Disbanded

Who are we : Disbanded is a Heroic raiding guild founded in Legion with the intention of getting Ahead of the Curve in a decent pace each tier. We are currently rebuilding our community and search for you who enjoy playing the game more then just on raid night. Our intentions are Ahead of the Curve, but if we get enough people Mythic raiding is not off the table since we have previous experience with that. The main goal is always to have fun though and to enjoy each others company.

By joining the guild you should know: We are not a hardcore raiding guild, but we expect you to show up consistently and respect our time by not being late, and tell if you wont show up. M+ is a big part of the guild and with how the game has progressed M+ is becoming more important to keep you character up to par. We have a lot of M+ players and enjoy learning in a group.

Expectations: Show up to raidnights, play the game more then during raid hours to respect the time we all put into the game. Ask if theres something you dont understand, being vocal is better then wiping. Know that enchants, gems and other things to improve your character. Addons: Angry assignments, Bigwigs ord DBM, Weak Auras

What you get from joining us: A great community with a lot of humor and a high ceiling.

Raidtimes: Thursday: 20.30 - 22.30 Sunday: 20.30- 22.30.

For more information: (infectiaa on Discord).

Last updated 65 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Buffinfectia

Officers: Codaks, Leroy, Zoonia

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic5/8 H5,3842,78043
Normal8/8 N7,3243,47854
Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H3,6932,10441
Normal8/8 N3,2611,83539
Blackrock Depths
Heroic3/8 H3,0631,72426
RealmID 713
GroupID 462850
GuildID 145198

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago