Last scanned 2 weeks ago
About Violation |
Violation was previously a Heroic/Mythic Raiding guild in Shadowlands. Due to how bad Shadowlands was as an expansion we all took a break. Now we have returned to start raiding again.
Currently made up of a roster of 8/8 HC and 4/8M we're looking to add to the roster to create a fun stable environment to progress through Mythic in this tier as well as future tiers of the expansion Raid Times are: Wed, Thurs & Sun 20:30 Server Time to 22:30 Server Time (3 2 hour raids) Our expectation of players is for them to want to achieve the mentioned goals in a relaxed environment that knows when to take it serious and when to have fun. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in we're currently recruiting dps and healers so message one of the below members or join the discord linked below as well.
Kenjii#2789 (Iceblockyou) GM Nathan#21832 (Nayth) Officer Discord: Other Officers to whisper are Rustyhole Last updated 101 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Priesephone |
About Violation |
Violation was previously a Heroic/Mythic Raiding guild in Shadowlands. Due to how bad Shadowlands was as an expansion we all took a break. Now we have returned to start raiding again.
Currently made up of a roster of 8/8 HC and 4/8M we're looking to add to the roster to create a fun stable environment to progress through Mythic in this tier as well as future tiers of the expansion Raid Times are: Wed, Thurs & Sun 20:30 Server Time to 22:30 Server Time (3 2 hour raids) Our expectation of players is for them to want to achieve the mentioned goals in a relaxed environment that knows when to take it serious and when to have fun. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in we're currently recruiting dps and healers so message one of the below members or join the discord linked below as well.
Kenjii#2789 (Iceblockyou) GM Nathan#21832 (Nayth) Officer Discord: Other Officers to whisper are Rustyhole Last updated 101 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?