8/8 N
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 weeks ago

About Warfare

<Warfare> е българска гилдия, създадена началото на Legion с цел casual raiding. С времето ростера ни се уголеми и целите ни също. Средата на експанжъна започнахме първите си успешни митик райдове и накрая на Legion завършихме 6/11М.



The Emerald Nightmare: 2/7M -World 6514/Realm 55

The Nighthold: 7/10M – World 3422/Realm 23

Tomb of Sargeras: 5/9M – World 4199/Realm 32

Antorus, the Burning Throne: 6/11M – World 4053/Realm 32

Uldir: 7/8М – World 2103/Realm 18

Battle of Dazar'alor: 7/9M – World 2499/Realm 18

Crucible of Storms: 2/2H – World 778/Realm 8

The Eternal Palace 6/8M – World 1923/Realm 12

Ny'Alotha The Waking City 12/12M - World 1339/Realm 8

Castle Nathria 10/10M - World 1730 / Realm 21

Sanctum of Domination 10/10M - World 1486/Realm 17

Sepulcher of the First Ones 10/10M - World 1008/Realm 9

Vault Of The Incarnates 10/10M - World 1290/Realm 10

Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible 9/9M - World 1002/Realm 9


Сряда - 20:30 - 23:45

Четвъртък - 20:30 - 23:45

Понеделник - 20:30 - 23:45

Една почивка 10 минути - 22:00

За контакти: PGeorgiev#2728 - Mazzak

Last updated 77 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Botecdru

Officers: Chopar, Harv, Madun, Mazzak, Monòry

About Warfare

<Warfare> е българска гилдия, създадена началото на Legion с цел casual raiding. С времето ростера ни се уголеми и целите ни също. Средата на експанжъна започнахме първите си успешни митик райдове и накрая на Legion завършихме 6/11М.



The Emerald Nightmare: 2/7M -World 6514/Realm 55

The Nighthold: 7/10M – World 3422/Realm 23

Tomb of Sargeras: 5/9M – World 4199/Realm 32

Antorus, the Burning Throne: 6/11M – World 4053/Realm 32

Uldir: 7/8М – World 2103/Realm 18

Battle of Dazar'alor: 7/9M – World 2499/Realm 18

Crucible of Storms: 2/2H – World 778/Realm 8

The Eternal Palace 6/8M – World 1923/Realm 12

Ny'Alotha The Waking City 12/12M - World 1339/Realm 8

Castle Nathria 10/10M - World 1730 / Realm 21

Sanctum of Domination 10/10M - World 1486/Realm 17

Sepulcher of the First Ones 10/10M - World 1008/Realm 9

Vault Of The Incarnates 10/10M - World 1290/Realm 10

Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible 9/9M - World 1002/Realm 9


Сряда - 20:30 - 23:45

Четвъртък - 20:30 - 23:45

Понеделник - 20:30 - 23:45

Една почивка 10 минути - 22:00

За контакти: PGeorgiev#2728 - Mazzak

Last updated 77 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Botecdru

Officers: Chopar, Harv, Madun, Mazzak, Monòry

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Normal8/8 N7,4103,86872
RealmID 713
GroupID 17044
GuildID 50707

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 weeks ago