1/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 5th Raid Week)
5/8 H
Blackrock Depths

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago

About Aluren

Aluren has stopped raiding


Aluren is located on Tarren Mill. We primarily consist of a group that have played together for the last 6 years. In late March 2017, Sponsored and Aluren merged to continue progressing mythic


We have not only built a raiding guild, but a raiding community, being a closely-bonded group of players where everyone knows everyone - and we strive to bring new members and recruits into our family. A lot of our members have met up in real life, traveled to each others respective countries, making friends across borders and games.


We have a 3-day raiding schedule and make the best of those raids.


  • 10 Hours per week.
  • No splitruns


Feel free to look through our kills on youtube to get a "feel" for how we are






Our raid times are (server time):


Wednesday 19.45-23.30 Thursday 20:15-23:30 (First week of Heroic & Mythic only) Sunday 19.45-23.30 Monday 20:15-23:30


Raid times are 15 minutes prior to first boss pull to incorporate invites, summons and trash.


We will extend on Tuesdays if we are close to a kill, but that rarely happens, and it is with the agreement of everyone within the raid.






If an item drops that you want or need you get to keep it. If an item drops that you want to trade away a loot council will decide to whom it shall go. The reason for this is both that we want to ensure it benefits the raid team, but also because we don't want people to be asked if they need or not by other raiders.






We expect people with a similar mindset as ours, meaning:


  • Progress means wiping, and learning from mistakes (and then doing it better next time). Everyone makes mistakes, and we like our raiders to openly admit to them.
  • Playing the game regularly and actively trying to optimise your character.
  • Being prepared for bosses in advance of our first progress pull.
  • A friendly, positive attitude.
  • The raid leader decides the tactic and the execution. Suggestions are welcomed but it serves no purpose to have a discussion "in the heat of battle" on trivial matters.
  • Have fun! Enjoy yourself! Joke during trash and farm - we play this game cause we like it not because its a job! But when its progress, be sharp!






  • Progress in current content, and a stable raid spot for consistent performers.
  • Stable leadership that is willing to sit even "long-standing" members during progress.
  • Players that know how to play their class, and are actively on the hunt for doing it better.
  • An active player base and an active Discord.
  • Friendly players that say hi to you when you enter discord and log on wow, people that want to play with you.
  • Players that know how to theorycraft, and have been theorycrafters for different class discords.
  • A relaxed, positive atmosphere where people are not personally attacked for mistakes. Mistakes made and then being aware of them is what pushes progress forward the most - and what we learn the most from.




If you are interested and feel we are the bunch you'd like to spend your free time with, apply using our application form or contact one of our officers below.


Contacts: Guild Master: Zallix (Zallix#2862) Officers: Delek Kollbjorn (kollbjorn#2964) Calixa

Last updated 133 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Krisena

Officers: Ewerly, Lichsuz, Sceleris, Sjapaladin, Smogger

About Aluren

Aluren has stopped raiding


Aluren is located on Tarren Mill. We primarily consist of a group that have played together for the last 6 years. In late March 2017, Sponsored and Aluren merged to continue progressing mythic


We have not only built a raiding guild, but a raiding community, being a closely-bonded group of players where everyone knows everyone - and we strive to bring new members and recruits into our family. A lot of our members have met up in real life, traveled to each others respective countries, making friends across borders and games.


We have a 3-day raiding schedule and make the best of those raids.


  • 10 Hours per week.
  • No splitruns


Feel free to look through our kills on youtube to get a "feel" for how we are






Our raid times are (server time):


Wednesday 19.45-23.30 Thursday 20:15-23:30 (First week of Heroic & Mythic only) Sunday 19.45-23.30 Monday 20:15-23:30


Raid times are 15 minutes prior to first boss pull to incorporate invites, summons and trash.


We will extend on Tuesdays if we are close to a kill, but that rarely happens, and it is with the agreement of everyone within the raid.






If an item drops that you want or need you get to keep it. If an item drops that you want to trade away a loot council will decide to whom it shall go. The reason for this is both that we want to ensure it benefits the raid team, but also because we don't want people to be asked if they need or not by other raiders.






We expect people with a similar mindset as ours, meaning:


  • Progress means wiping, and learning from mistakes (and then doing it better next time). Everyone makes mistakes, and we like our raiders to openly admit to them.
  • Playing the game regularly and actively trying to optimise your character.
  • Being prepared for bosses in advance of our first progress pull.
  • A friendly, positive attitude.
  • The raid leader decides the tactic and the execution. Suggestions are welcomed but it serves no purpose to have a discussion "in the heat of battle" on trivial matters.
  • Have fun! Enjoy yourself! Joke during trash and farm - we play this game cause we like it not because its a job! But when its progress, be sharp!






  • Progress in current content, and a stable raid spot for consistent performers.
  • Stable leadership that is willing to sit even "long-standing" members during progress.
  • Players that know how to play their class, and are actively on the hunt for doing it better.
  • An active player base and an active Discord.
  • Friendly players that say hi to you when you enter discord and log on wow, people that want to play with you.
  • Players that know how to theorycraft, and have been theorycrafters for different class discords.
  • A relaxed, positive atmosphere where people are not personally attacked for mistakes. Mistakes made and then being aware of them is what pushes progress forward the most - and what we learn the most from.




If you are interested and feel we are the bunch you'd like to spend your free time with, apply using our application form or contact one of our officers below.


Contacts: Guild Master: Zallix (Zallix#2862) Officers: Delek Kollbjorn (kollbjorn#2964) Calixa

Last updated 133 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Krisena

Officers: Ewerly, Lichsuz, Sceleris, Sjapaladin, Smogger

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic1/8 M6,7633,722282
Heroic8/8 H3,9912,191207
Normal8/8 N12,0025,983395
Blackrock Depths
Heroic5/8 H2,3581,34595
RealmID 719
GroupID 1705
GuildID 44659

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago