
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Blackgarde

Blackgarde (EU) Horde

We are a Casual Mythic guild on Tarren Mill (EU)

Our aims are to progress as far as we possibly can through Mythic content each tier whilst keeping only to a 2 day raid schedule and keeping the atmosphere fun and enjoyable for all players.

About us

We formed midway through Eternal Palace and achieved 5/8M before roster restrictions and Christmas holidays interrupted our progress Most of the roster have been playing together for a while and are dedicated to progressing at a steady pace.

The guild itself is very active, lots of keystones are done on a daily basis aswel as anything else players want to do outside of main raids like HC/Mythic alt runs, old content transmog runs etc etc.

Raid days and times

Wednesday - 20:00 - 23:00 Sunday - 20:00 - 23:00 Main progression runs, invites will start @19:45 Thursday - 20:00 - 23:00 Optional HC run ( all trials are to attend!)

What we expect

  • Attendance - as we only raid 2 days a week, close to 100% attendance is deeply desired although we do understand that IRL stuff can happen which always takes prio over a game. All we ask is you pop a post on our discord say that you will miss a raid.
  • Knowledge of your class - Being able to play multiple specs for your main class is a Must no one spec is great on all boss fights so being versatile will only help us progress further and at a better pace. performance is key here.
  • Attitude - We expect every player to have a great attitude towards progression. Wiping is part of progress and you should be mature enough to be able to cope with this.
  • Communication - We expect every player to have a working mic and be able to speak in English and can understand it.

Minimum Requirements - Level 75 Neck is the absolute minimum and 455 ilvl, cloak should also be at max for the week you hope to join in.


-Always come prepared with consumables ( pots, flasks, food and tomes!) research all boss encounters for the raids we are currently progressing in**.**

What you can expect

Well organised raids, feasts cauldrons ( stat food ) pots and guild repairs for progress.

Active discord, able and competent players to run keys with.


Any Ranged DPS Healer

Recruitment is always open and all applications will be considered, even if your class and spec isn't listed above, however at the moment we're not taking in anymore melee players. If you are interested in joining us or have any questions please feel free to contact an officer via Bnet or Discord

Liviticuz#2841 Doomseeker#21316 Killd3lux3#2726

Last updated 258 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Tombanda

About Blackgarde

Blackgarde (EU) Horde

We are a Casual Mythic guild on Tarren Mill (EU)

Our aims are to progress as far as we possibly can through Mythic content each tier whilst keeping only to a 2 day raid schedule and keeping the atmosphere fun and enjoyable for all players.

About us

We formed midway through Eternal Palace and achieved 5/8M before roster restrictions and Christmas holidays interrupted our progress Most of the roster have been playing together for a while and are dedicated to progressing at a steady pace.

The guild itself is very active, lots of keystones are done on a daily basis aswel as anything else players want to do outside of main raids like HC/Mythic alt runs, old content transmog runs etc etc.

Raid days and times

Wednesday - 20:00 - 23:00 Sunday - 20:00 - 23:00 Main progression runs, invites will start @19:45 Thursday - 20:00 - 23:00 Optional HC run ( all trials are to attend!)

What we expect

  • Attendance - as we only raid 2 days a week, close to 100% attendance is deeply desired although we do understand that IRL stuff can happen which always takes prio over a game. All we ask is you pop a post on our discord say that you will miss a raid.
  • Knowledge of your class - Being able to play multiple specs for your main class is a Must no one spec is great on all boss fights so being versatile will only help us progress further and at a better pace. performance is key here.
  • Attitude - We expect every player to have a great attitude towards progression. Wiping is part of progress and you should be mature enough to be able to cope with this.
  • Communication - We expect every player to have a working mic and be able to speak in English and can understand it.

Minimum Requirements - Level 75 Neck is the absolute minimum and 455 ilvl, cloak should also be at max for the week you hope to join in.


-Always come prepared with consumables ( pots, flasks, food and tomes!) research all boss encounters for the raids we are currently progressing in**.**

What you can expect

Well organised raids, feasts cauldrons ( stat food ) pots and guild repairs for progress.

Active discord, able and competent players to run keys with.


Any Ranged DPS Healer

Recruitment is always open and all applications will be considered, even if your class and spec isn't listed above, however at the moment we're not taking in anymore melee players. If you are interested in joining us or have any questions please feel free to contact an officer via Bnet or Discord

Liviticuz#2841 Doomseeker#21316 Killd3lux3#2726

Last updated 258 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Tombanda

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 719
GroupID 1060593
GuildID 1094802

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago