
4/8 M
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 1st Raid Week)
8/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Mythic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 9th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 5 hours ago

About Catalyst

++<Catalyst> - Raiding together for over 10 years!++

Recruiting for Farm + Fated + Next Expansion. Recruitment is open to bolster our roster for farm/fated/next expansion. We are always interested in exceptional players regardless of the role!

That said, prio is mainly on melee DPS (DH), and ranged ond mage/boomie and multiclass healer.

All applicants must be able to play 1 alt to a competent level for splits.

++Raid Times/Days++

We raid 3 nights a week (4 nights during the first 2 weeks).

Weds Thurs Sun 19:30-->23:30

Week 1+2 Only - Mon: 19:30-->23:30

Times stated are when the raids begin, we should be at the boss by the very latest 15 minutes after that and we take a 10 minute break in the middle of the raid for people to do their necessary afks.

We do not raid any extra days.

++Current Recruitment++

Our recruitment is open for everything, we are focused on the player more than the character

Please note: with regards to any open recruitment for tanks, we are only interested in players who are able to play multiple tank classes and will keep them relevant for progression.

If your class/spec is not mentioned that means that the demand for that is not high but if the player is exceptional, there will certainly be a place in the guild for you.

Potential applicants are more than welcome to contact any officer in game via whisper or via in game mail for more information, or submit an application on our website (details below)

++Who are Catalyst?++

Catalyst is an End Game Raiding Guild, we are a friendly guild with the intention of having fun and good teamwork, our main focus is creating a friendly and helpful raid environment, and we do not subscribe to the "Rage mode" style of raiding.

We have been together as a raiding team for over 10 years and plan to continue in the same manner going forward, so what is seen here is what we plan to maintain in respect to raid days/times, commitments, expectations etc.

++Our Expectations from our Trials/Raiders:++

What we expect from Trials/Raiders:

  • Be able to play your class to a raid worthy standard
  • Have previous raid experience
  • Know their class well, and how they can contribute to the raiding team and the guild
  • Be able to research and prepare for encounters prior to engaging them
  • Have near 100% raid attendance (of course real life incidents do occur from time to time, but don't make a habit from it)
  • Have a friendly and sociable attitude, we pride ourselves on the social atmosphere within the guild and not the progress that comes naturally.
  • When you are inside a guild raid, you preform to the high level that is expected of you.
  • Be able to take (and give out) constructive criticism.
  • Able to communicate (a silent raider is a concerning one)

++Contact Us:++

Website -

Guild Master - Panthea - Cetraben#2302

Other Officers: Jerrymanlig

Last updated 24 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Panthea

Officers: Jerrymanlig, Ligbeam, Metad, Mullydk

About Catalyst

++<Catalyst> - Raiding together for over 10 years!++

Recruiting for Farm + Fated + Next Expansion. Recruitment is open to bolster our roster for farm/fated/next expansion. We are always interested in exceptional players regardless of the role!

That said, prio is mainly on melee DPS (DH), and ranged ond mage/boomie and multiclass healer.

All applicants must be able to play 1 alt to a competent level for splits.

++Raid Times/Days++

We raid 3 nights a week (4 nights during the first 2 weeks).

Weds Thurs Sun 19:30-->23:30

Week 1+2 Only - Mon: 19:30-->23:30

Times stated are when the raids begin, we should be at the boss by the very latest 15 minutes after that and we take a 10 minute break in the middle of the raid for people to do their necessary afks.

We do not raid any extra days.

++Current Recruitment++

Our recruitment is open for everything, we are focused on the player more than the character

Please note: with regards to any open recruitment for tanks, we are only interested in players who are able to play multiple tank classes and will keep them relevant for progression.

If your class/spec is not mentioned that means that the demand for that is not high but if the player is exceptional, there will certainly be a place in the guild for you.

Potential applicants are more than welcome to contact any officer in game via whisper or via in game mail for more information, or submit an application on our website (details below)

++Who are Catalyst?++

Catalyst is an End Game Raiding Guild, we are a friendly guild with the intention of having fun and good teamwork, our main focus is creating a friendly and helpful raid environment, and we do not subscribe to the "Rage mode" style of raiding.

We have been together as a raiding team for over 10 years and plan to continue in the same manner going forward, so what is seen here is what we plan to maintain in respect to raid days/times, commitments, expectations etc.

++Our Expectations from our Trials/Raiders:++

What we expect from Trials/Raiders:

  • Be able to play your class to a raid worthy standard
  • Have previous raid experience
  • Know their class well, and how they can contribute to the raiding team and the guild
  • Be able to research and prepare for encounters prior to engaging them
  • Have near 100% raid attendance (of course real life incidents do occur from time to time, but don't make a habit from it)
  • Have a friendly and sociable attitude, we pride ourselves on the social atmosphere within the guild and not the progress that comes naturally.
  • When you are inside a guild raid, you preform to the high level that is expected of you.
  • Be able to take (and give out) constructive criticism.
  • Able to communicate (a silent raider is a concerning one)

++Contact Us:++

Website -

Guild Master - Panthea - Cetraben#2302

Other Officers: Jerrymanlig

Last updated 24 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Panthea

Officers: Jerrymanlig, Ligbeam, Metad, Mullydk

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Mythic4/8 M81518
Heroic8/8 H121718
Normal8/8 N1,19236234
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic8/8 M112648
Heroic8/8 H25112615
Normal8/8 N97634833
Blackrock Depths
Heroic8/8 H99557245
RealmID 719
GroupID 1341
GuildID 42748

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 5 hours ago