Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 weeks ago

About Cypher


Currently recruiting ranged and melee dps for our Mythic team.

We are a guild previously Bloodbane who formed in 2020 and managed top 1000 world in Nylotha, this was followed by Castle Nathria (similar world rank). The guild then took a break due to real life commitments. We are now back.

We are looking to build a team to push CE in the coming tiers within the top 1000 range. Current progress is 7/9M since returning just 2 months ago! We aim to build our team this teir while getting CE along the way. With a strong push moving into the next.

Please reach out to CaptainKeyes#2681 (Bnet) captainkeyes#0655 (Disc) for more details!

What makes a mythic raider for our team?

  • Commited
  • Professional
  • Class proficient
  • Experienced
  • Up for some fun!

We will consider all applicants regardless if you have previous CE's or not. If you have wanted to step your toe into mythic and think your up to the test please do apply.

Last updated 81 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Kittenology

Officers: Albrect, Awfynbrews, Basaltik, Jasmeen, Nyyrikk, Zinius, Zîni

About Cypher


Currently recruiting ranged and melee dps for our Mythic team.

We are a guild previously Bloodbane who formed in 2020 and managed top 1000 world in Nylotha, this was followed by Castle Nathria (similar world rank). The guild then took a break due to real life commitments. We are now back.

We are looking to build a team to push CE in the coming tiers within the top 1000 range. Current progress is 7/9M since returning just 2 months ago! We aim to build our team this teir while getting CE along the way. With a strong push moving into the next.

Please reach out to CaptainKeyes#2681 (Bnet) captainkeyes#0655 (Disc) for more details!

What makes a mythic raider for our team?

  • Commited
  • Professional
  • Class proficient
  • Experienced
  • Up for some fun!

We will consider all applicants regardless if you have previous CE's or not. If you have wanted to step your toe into mythic and think your up to the test please do apply.

Last updated 81 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Kittenology

Officers: Albrect, Awfynbrews, Basaltik, Jasmeen, Nyyrikk, Zinius, Zîni

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 719
GroupID 1402589
GuildID 1436344

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 weeks ago