Last scanned 2 weeks ago
About Fyrebane |
We're a guild trying to create a chill but progressive enviroment, building from the group up to help players learn and excell at their class to challenge the best trials azeroth has to offer! Recruiting all roles but specifically looking for healers and dps of all types, feel free to apply! Last updated 25 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Ursarieal |
About Fyrebane |
We're a guild trying to create a chill but progressive enviroment, building from the group up to help players learn and excell at their class to challenge the best trials azeroth has to offer! Recruiting all roles but specifically looking for healers and dps of all types, feel free to apply! Last updated 25 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
RealmID 719
GroupID 2030354
GuildID 2023893