Last scanned 10 hours ago
About Harmless |
We are Harmless!
We are a guild of old and new friends that have been raiding together for more than 5 years now. Our aim and goal, above all, is to have fun while raiding and get as far as possible doing so. Schedule
We have 2 progress nights a week, 6 hours total progression schedule - We never raid past raidtime. Times below are when invites go out.
We have a third, optional, social raid where friends who aren't in the raid team are invited to come along as well. During the start of the tier this day is sometimes used to farm lower difficulties by the progression team.
Loot distribution
We use RC Loot Council, with which we distribute items to people in such a way that benefits the raid most. In practice this means special items like tier and trinkets are simmed with Raidbots and uploaded to Wowaudit, and distributed in such a way that tier bonuses are completed, and regular items that are a near tossup are rolled for. How to reach us
You can contact us on discord: wout_r for recruitment inquiries or if you prefer you can apply directly here: Last updated 20 weeks ago |
About Harmless |
We are Harmless!
We are a guild of old and new friends that have been raiding together for more than 5 years now. Our aim and goal, above all, is to have fun while raiding and get as far as possible doing so. Schedule
We have 2 progress nights a week, 6 hours total progression schedule - We never raid past raidtime. Times below are when invites go out.
We have a third, optional, social raid where friends who aren't in the raid team are invited to come along as well. During the start of the tier this day is sometimes used to farm lower difficulties by the progression team.
Loot distribution
We use RC Loot Council, with which we distribute items to people in such a way that benefits the raid most. In practice this means special items like tier and trinkets are simmed with Raidbots and uploaded to Wowaudit, and distributed in such a way that tier bonuses are completed, and regular items that are a near tossup are rolled for. How to reach us
You can contact us on discord: wout_r for recruitment inquiries or if you prefer you can apply directly here: Last updated 20 weeks ago |