About Imperative |
Imperative was founded mid-tier in season 3 of SL and is a 2 - 3 day raiding guild made up out of old CE raiders and new aspiring raiders aiming to get CE and have a fun raid dynamic. Our players are active in m+ as well as optional alt raids and more. Raid days are Thursdays, Fridays and Mondays 20:00-23:00 server-time (for the first 6 weeks of the tier). Invites start at 19:45 and we require our raiders to be online then. After six weeks we switch to two day progression/re-clears. We are looking for driven gamers, who can prove they know what it takes to be part of a mythic raiding team. Good attendance and reliability are extremely important to us and are part of what makes a raid team work. Be sure that you can attend all our raid days and times before you apply. If you are interested in joining you can do this via the raider.io form. If you have applied please only add us on discord if you have any specifics you were not able to add to your application. We see all applications and we respond as fast as we can. Discord Wуѕρα тнє ιηѕαηє#2431 (GM/Healing Officer) nohow#4133 (Raid Leader/Officer) Last updated 117 weeks ago |
About Imperative |
Imperative was founded mid-tier in season 3 of SL and is a 2 - 3 day raiding guild made up out of old CE raiders and new aspiring raiders aiming to get CE and have a fun raid dynamic. Our players are active in m+ as well as optional alt raids and more. Raid days are Thursdays, Fridays and Mondays 20:00-23:00 server-time (for the first 6 weeks of the tier). Invites start at 19:45 and we require our raiders to be online then. After six weeks we switch to two day progression/re-clears. We are looking for driven gamers, who can prove they know what it takes to be part of a mythic raiding team. Good attendance and reliability are extremely important to us and are part of what makes a raid team work. Be sure that you can attend all our raid days and times before you apply. If you are interested in joining you can do this via the raider.io form. If you have applied please only add us on discord if you have any specifics you were not able to add to your application. We see all applications and we respond as fast as we can. Discord Wуѕρα тнє ιηѕαηє#2431 (GM/Healing Officer) nohow#4133 (Raid Leader/Officer) Last updated 117 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?