
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 4 days ago

About Malicious

Since the Rebuild of our guild, we've taken consistent steps toward improvement,. Our goal remains the same: getting C.E. every tier while improving our play and rank. We also focus on a friendly atmosphere, proper banter and humor are always welcomed, but consistent toxicity is not tolerated. First and foremost we are a team, meaning whether we succeed or fail, we do it together..

After an unexpected Stop on sire in Castle Nathria we have made some crucial changes to our roster & expectations in an attempt to push for ~1000 World rank in 9.1. We're looking for like minded individuals to further help us reach this goal.

What we look for: To be Straight to the point; we're looking for players who are good. We expect raiders to be proactive, excel at their role, and who have the intelligence to use the tools (logs, spreadsheets, sims etc.) available to optimise your game-play. We are currently not looking for anything in particular due to an overhaul in roster and recruiting a mass amount of serial CE players however we are interested in hearing from Multi spec DPS players. Who can be versatile enough to switch when required for Composition changes. We do not recruit for the bench. Everyone in the core will be expected to play a part in progression raids.

We expect a high level of attendance, We aren't looking to recruit players that want to take 2-3 week breaks from mid tier, however we understand that raiding has to occasionally come second priority to real life.

We want raiders who are punctual, communicate efficiently, and also have a good sense of humor. It's absolutely critical to our atmosphere to be able to have a laugh. We obviously want to get stuff done & progress raids are taken seriously but we are all here for a good time.

Our Raid Days: Wednesdays: 19:45 - 23:00 Server Time Monday: 19:45 - 23:00 Server Time Optional Farm raid; Sunday: 19:45 - 23:00 Server Time

What We Offer: High level of guild activity through M+/ Game Content Competitive & driven team which provides A fun and entertaining atmosphere. Alt / Secondary runs outside of the progression raids. An active community that spans multiple games, there's always someone around.

If you feel like we'd be a good fit for you let us know by applying here;

Or contact a member of the officer team for more info:

Officers: Dempz / Crek / Gralgas / Bnet: Unanynmous#2161 / Crek#2874 / Gralgas#2173

Last updated 188 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

About Malicious

Since the Rebuild of our guild, we've taken consistent steps toward improvement,. Our goal remains the same: getting C.E. every tier while improving our play and rank. We also focus on a friendly atmosphere, proper banter and humor are always welcomed, but consistent toxicity is not tolerated. First and foremost we are a team, meaning whether we succeed or fail, we do it together..

After an unexpected Stop on sire in Castle Nathria we have made some crucial changes to our roster & expectations in an attempt to push for ~1000 World rank in 9.1. We're looking for like minded individuals to further help us reach this goal.

What we look for: To be Straight to the point; we're looking for players who are good. We expect raiders to be proactive, excel at their role, and who have the intelligence to use the tools (logs, spreadsheets, sims etc.) available to optimise your game-play. We are currently not looking for anything in particular due to an overhaul in roster and recruiting a mass amount of serial CE players however we are interested in hearing from Multi spec DPS players. Who can be versatile enough to switch when required for Composition changes. We do not recruit for the bench. Everyone in the core will be expected to play a part in progression raids.

We expect a high level of attendance, We aren't looking to recruit players that want to take 2-3 week breaks from mid tier, however we understand that raiding has to occasionally come second priority to real life.

We want raiders who are punctual, communicate efficiently, and also have a good sense of humor. It's absolutely critical to our atmosphere to be able to have a laugh. We obviously want to get stuff done & progress raids are taken seriously but we are all here for a good time.

Our Raid Days: Wednesdays: 19:45 - 23:00 Server Time Monday: 19:45 - 23:00 Server Time Optional Farm raid; Sunday: 19:45 - 23:00 Server Time

What We Offer: High level of guild activity through M+/ Game Content Competitive & driven team which provides A fun and entertaining atmosphere. Alt / Secondary runs outside of the progression raids. An active community that spans multiple games, there's always someone around.

If you feel like we'd be a good fit for you let us know by applying here;

Or contact a member of the officer team for more info:

Officers: Dempz / Crek / Gralgas / Bnet: Unanynmous#2161 / Crek#2874 / Gralgas#2173

Last updated 188 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 719
GroupID 990735
GuildID 1025055

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 4 days ago