Last scanned 2 weeks ago
About Masterpiece |
Currently looking for any class, if you think you have what it takes feel free to apply. About Masterpiece Masterpiece on Tarren Mill EU is a newly formed raiding guild featuring former hardcore raiding veterans, many of whom played together for years. In Shadowlands we will return to a hardcore raiding schedule and mentality. Schedule We will raid five nights a week (Sun-Thu) from 19.00 to 23.30 (CET). During farm we will raid two nights a week. Recruitment We are open to all applications from exceptional players. So if you believe you have got what it takes and want to push your own limits in the upcoming expansion, feel free to reach out to us! Requirements High-end raiding requires teamwork, a high attendance, motivation, time, ambition, functioning hardware and a stable internet connection. We are therefore looking for players who can provide all of this and are able to handle and offer constructive criticism and understand their classes as well as the raid encounters they are presented with. Do not apply if you are not able or willing to do everything in your power to further the progress of the raiding team. Alts We require you to play at least two characters of the same type, both of which you need to be able to play during progression if need be. Application Contact Guild Master: Babbs#2602 Officer: Bajpe#21571 Officer: Knstaa#2255 Officer/Recruitment: Rae#2475 Officer: Deadswag#2425 Boost enquiries: tonkdino#2128 Last updated 210 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Shadnagga |
About Masterpiece |
Currently looking for any class, if you think you have what it takes feel free to apply. About Masterpiece Masterpiece on Tarren Mill EU is a newly formed raiding guild featuring former hardcore raiding veterans, many of whom played together for years. In Shadowlands we will return to a hardcore raiding schedule and mentality. Schedule We will raid five nights a week (Sun-Thu) from 19.00 to 23.30 (CET). During farm we will raid two nights a week. Recruitment We are open to all applications from exceptional players. So if you believe you have got what it takes and want to push your own limits in the upcoming expansion, feel free to reach out to us! Requirements High-end raiding requires teamwork, a high attendance, motivation, time, ambition, functioning hardware and a stable internet connection. We are therefore looking for players who can provide all of this and are able to handle and offer constructive criticism and understand their classes as well as the raid encounters they are presented with. Do not apply if you are not able or willing to do everything in your power to further the progress of the raiding team. Alts We require you to play at least two characters of the same type, both of which you need to be able to play during progression if need be. Application Contact Guild Master: Babbs#2602 Officer: Bajpe#21571 Officer: Knstaa#2255 Officer/Recruitment: Rae#2475 Officer: Deadswag#2425 Boost enquiries: tonkdino#2128 Last updated 210 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?