Last scanned 3 weeks ago
About Meliora |
Recruitment Any well-performing raider will be given a chance to become part of our group. That said, we are currently only looking to recruit strong DPS players (any class). Having a good healing/tanking off-spec is highly appreciated, but not mandatory. BFA status Our goal for BFA is to progress as much as possible in Mythic Uldir and consolidate our roster for the future raids of this expansion with the purpose of clearing all raid content while current. Pre-BFA The guild was established in Legion around the release of Antorus. We cleared 5/11M in a couple of weeks of progression, however, we had to go on a break due to recruiting difficulties and some players quitting the game. Current Raid times Wednesday 19:30 - 23:30 (progress) Sunday 19:30 - 23:30 (progress) Monday 19:30 - 23:30 (optional alt runs) What we expect from you
++Attitude++: Positive attitude when it comes to raiding. Be prepared to accept criticism (will always be constructive), be prepared to accept the mistakes that you make and to improve. Regardless of logs, loot, parses and other minor details, the goal of the raid is to kill the boss and move on to the next. Don't be discouraged by wiping, instead learn from everyone's mistakes (and from your own). ++Proficiency++: Learn your class by whatever means necessary (logs, sims, training dummy, guides). Adapt your play/spec for all circumstances (single target, AOE, etc). ++Social competency++: We want to recruit players, not dps/heal/threat bots. Be active in voice chat, get involved in guild events, make fun of the guild mascot, etc. What we provide -The chance to do do high level PVE content without pugging -Logs/simulation analysis and other tips -Cauldrons and feasts for raids -Discord server Trialing system The trialing period is not set in stone, but it can last between a couple of weeks and the entire tier depending on your performance. We want to provide a competitive and challenging environment. Due to this, the "raider" position is also not set in stone. As a raider, you may be demoted to trial if your attendance and/or your performance drops. Contact To get in contact with us, you can reach out to Pandæmic on i7175orgtfo#2595 or to the following officers in game: Msty Prínglés Çhrøñíc Last updated 338 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Athelena |
About Meliora |
Recruitment Any well-performing raider will be given a chance to become part of our group. That said, we are currently only looking to recruit strong DPS players (any class). Having a good healing/tanking off-spec is highly appreciated, but not mandatory. BFA status Our goal for BFA is to progress as much as possible in Mythic Uldir and consolidate our roster for the future raids of this expansion with the purpose of clearing all raid content while current. Pre-BFA The guild was established in Legion around the release of Antorus. We cleared 5/11M in a couple of weeks of progression, however, we had to go on a break due to recruiting difficulties and some players quitting the game. Current Raid times Wednesday 19:30 - 23:30 (progress) Sunday 19:30 - 23:30 (progress) Monday 19:30 - 23:30 (optional alt runs) What we expect from you
++Attitude++: Positive attitude when it comes to raiding. Be prepared to accept criticism (will always be constructive), be prepared to accept the mistakes that you make and to improve. Regardless of logs, loot, parses and other minor details, the goal of the raid is to kill the boss and move on to the next. Don't be discouraged by wiping, instead learn from everyone's mistakes (and from your own). ++Proficiency++: Learn your class by whatever means necessary (logs, sims, training dummy, guides). Adapt your play/spec for all circumstances (single target, AOE, etc). ++Social competency++: We want to recruit players, not dps/heal/threat bots. Be active in voice chat, get involved in guild events, make fun of the guild mascot, etc. What we provide -The chance to do do high level PVE content without pugging -Logs/simulation analysis and other tips -Cauldrons and feasts for raids -Discord server Trialing system The trialing period is not set in stone, but it can last between a couple of weeks and the entire tier depending on your performance. We want to provide a competitive and challenging environment. Due to this, the "raider" position is also not set in stone. As a raider, you may be demoted to trial if your attendance and/or your performance drops. Contact To get in contact with us, you can reach out to Pandæmic on i7175orgtfo#2595 or to the following officers in game: Msty Prínglés Çhrøñíc Last updated 338 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?