Last scanned 12 hours ago
About Perdition |
Perdition More casual reform of
Now back as a laid back 2-day raiding guild. Looking to clear raid tiers on a relaxed schedule, no alt requirement (encouraged if it can help progress), with chill atmosphere while still trying to get the most value out of our time spent raiding. Guild Progress History:
Recruitment: Currently interested in 1 RDPS (Boomy/Ele Pref) for S2. Apply here: Raid Nights & Times:
Thursday: 20:00-23:00 Monday: 20:00-23:00
Going down to 1-day a week as soon as able to reclear smoothly.
What we expect:
Teamplayers willing to help push the guild forward Self preparation is valued - 2 day schedule means we want to waste as little time as possible Respecting the time commitment of other players. Bring chill vibes - games are meant to be enjoyed.
What we offer: Highly experienced leadership with a decade of high-end raiding experience Efficient progress on a casual schedule Relaxing enviroment with a focus on progression and a good time. No tolerance for bull&%$@ behaviour.
Contact: Recruitment: Artegor (Discord) - Artegor#2258 Bnet Last updated 2 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Artegør Officers: Danrinchi, Roacteii, Tusturussy |
About Perdition |
Perdition More casual reform of
Now back as a laid back 2-day raiding guild. Looking to clear raid tiers on a relaxed schedule, no alt requirement (encouraged if it can help progress), with chill atmosphere while still trying to get the most value out of our time spent raiding. Guild Progress History:
Recruitment: Currently interested in 1 RDPS (Boomy/Ele Pref) for S2. Apply here: Raid Nights & Times:
Thursday: 20:00-23:00 Monday: 20:00-23:00
Going down to 1-day a week as soon as able to reclear smoothly.
What we expect:
Teamplayers willing to help push the guild forward Self preparation is valued - 2 day schedule means we want to waste as little time as possible Respecting the time commitment of other players. Bring chill vibes - games are meant to be enjoyed.
What we offer: Highly experienced leadership with a decade of high-end raiding experience Efficient progress on a casual schedule Relaxing enviroment with a focus on progression and a good time. No tolerance for bull&%$@ behaviour.
Contact: Recruitment: Artegor (Discord) - Artegor#2258 Bnet Last updated 2 weeks ago |