Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago

About Smoke

To apply:


We are currently Recruiting serious players, that think they are cut out for a 2 day semi hardcore raiding environment, with the emphasis on progression and killing bosses. We will only be considering players with current mythic experience and logs along with all the normal thing's like gear/legendaries etc.


Core Philosophies The guild raids two mandatory nights a week. Thursday (1945-2300) - Mythic Mandatory Sunday (1945-2300) - Mythic Mandatory


Wednesday (1945-2300) - Heroic Optional - Mains, followed by ALTS/Socials down the line


We like to have fun in as a guild with a lot of laughing and joking on discord. However, during mythic progression, everyone in the guild takes the raid extremely seriously. Everyone is expected to show up with all consumables and gear setup to the correct standard. There are a lot of mythic+ runs throughout the week with people completing their weekly caches and pushing higher keys, completing a 15 key and getting the weekly cache is expected of all raiding members.


Feel free to contact me in game (Breakyw) or via Bnet (Rotinaj#2679) if more information is required and to have a chat about you joining us on this adventure. Alternatively use the link provided to apply.

Last updated 191 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

About Smoke

To apply:


We are currently Recruiting serious players, that think they are cut out for a 2 day semi hardcore raiding environment, with the emphasis on progression and killing bosses. We will only be considering players with current mythic experience and logs along with all the normal thing's like gear/legendaries etc.


Core Philosophies The guild raids two mandatory nights a week. Thursday (1945-2300) - Mythic Mandatory Sunday (1945-2300) - Mythic Mandatory


Wednesday (1945-2300) - Heroic Optional - Mains, followed by ALTS/Socials down the line


We like to have fun in as a guild with a lot of laughing and joking on discord. However, during mythic progression, everyone in the guild takes the raid extremely seriously. Everyone is expected to show up with all consumables and gear setup to the correct standard. There are a lot of mythic+ runs throughout the week with people completing their weekly caches and pushing higher keys, completing a 15 key and getting the weekly cache is expected of all raiding members.


Feel free to contact me in game (Breakyw) or via Bnet (Rotinaj#2679) if more information is required and to have a chat about you joining us on this adventure. Alternatively use the link provided to apply.

Last updated 191 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 719
GroupID 1001122
GuildID 1035448

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago