Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 days ago

About Stellar

++Currently recruiting++ All exceptional applicants who think they could compete or challenge our current raiders are always welcome to apply.

++About++ Stellar is a newly formed guild consisting of cutting edge players spanning multiple expansions, most of whom have played together in the past. We started Castle Nathria with the goal of finishing in the top 500, and even though we started the tier a month late, we exceeded that goal by finishing top 430.


The goal for the upcoming tier is to improve on our progress further and finish between 200-300 in the world.

++Schedule++ Our raid days are Wednesday, Thursday (20:00-23:00) and Sunday (19:00-23:00), with a possible extension of 30 minutes maximum if close to a kill.


  • Near 100% raid attendance.
  • Be able to handle and offer constructive criticism.
  • High understanding of your class and your off-specs.
  • Have a competitive mindset.
  • Come fully prepared for every raid (Encounter prep, properly simmed character).
  • Have prior understanding of the encounter specific to your role.
  • Have a solid understanding of Warcraft logs and how to analyze the data in order to improve.

For further information contact #Rushyy#2224 or Rythern#2102.

Last updated 201 weeks ago
About Stellar

++Currently recruiting++ All exceptional applicants who think they could compete or challenge our current raiders are always welcome to apply.

++About++ Stellar is a newly formed guild consisting of cutting edge players spanning multiple expansions, most of whom have played together in the past. We started Castle Nathria with the goal of finishing in the top 500, and even though we started the tier a month late, we exceeded that goal by finishing top 430.


The goal for the upcoming tier is to improve on our progress further and finish between 200-300 in the world.

++Schedule++ Our raid days are Wednesday, Thursday (20:00-23:00) and Sunday (19:00-23:00), with a possible extension of 30 minutes maximum if close to a kill.


  • Near 100% raid attendance.
  • Be able to handle and offer constructive criticism.
  • High understanding of your class and your off-specs.
  • Have a competitive mindset.
  • Come fully prepared for every raid (Encounter prep, properly simmed character).
  • Have prior understanding of the encounter specific to your role.
  • Have a solid understanding of Warcraft logs and how to analyze the data in order to improve.

For further information contact #Rushyy#2224 or Rythern#2102.

Last updated 201 weeks ago

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 719
GroupID 1524897
GuildID 1552349

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 days ago