Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Untamed

Untamed has been clearing Heroic and Mythic content at a perfect pace.

Founded a few years ago by a group of friends, we have a strong and stable core and we're now actively looking to expand our ranks for pushing into Mythic Eternal Palace.

Are you either of these two?

A committed raider: a dpser who knows her/his class and wants to progress on Mythic, but who also has a life going on.

An active social player: someone who wants to join events and clear content together with guildies.

Then we're the guild for you.


Raids are 8:00pm-11.00pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Monday (Progress night if required).

Loyalty is rewarded. We expect you to bring flasks/food as well as a good understanding of your class and fight mechanics, and a great attitude.

We are looking for Mythic-ready dpsers who want to progress on high content, at a chill pace, with a fun guild. We are currently looking for ranged DPS.


Every week we run a number of social events. Tuesday night is Midweek Mythic Madness! - we run Mythic+ to get everyone their weekly +10. Every Saturday we run our Normal alt/social raid. Once a month, we do an achievement run or clear any kind of special content together (e.g. Timewalking Black Temple).

All members are 18+ and mostly students/working, and so the guild (Discord) is most active in the evenings. We are all pretty chill people, and we like to keep it that way. We don't tolerate drama or immature behaviour.

[[ JOIN US ]]

++++We do not recruit the character. We recruit the person behind the character.++++

If you're interested in joining Untamed, please message one of our officers ingame or join us on our discord for a chat

Last updated 291 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Haraldsen

Officers: Burnhouse, Hegreyo, Lana

About Untamed

Untamed has been clearing Heroic and Mythic content at a perfect pace.

Founded a few years ago by a group of friends, we have a strong and stable core and we're now actively looking to expand our ranks for pushing into Mythic Eternal Palace.

Are you either of these two?

A committed raider: a dpser who knows her/his class and wants to progress on Mythic, but who also has a life going on.

An active social player: someone who wants to join events and clear content together with guildies.

Then we're the guild for you.


Raids are 8:00pm-11.00pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Monday (Progress night if required).

Loyalty is rewarded. We expect you to bring flasks/food as well as a good understanding of your class and fight mechanics, and a great attitude.

We are looking for Mythic-ready dpsers who want to progress on high content, at a chill pace, with a fun guild. We are currently looking for ranged DPS.


Every week we run a number of social events. Tuesday night is Midweek Mythic Madness! - we run Mythic+ to get everyone their weekly +10. Every Saturday we run our Normal alt/social raid. Once a month, we do an achievement run or clear any kind of special content together (e.g. Timewalking Black Temple).

All members are 18+ and mostly students/working, and so the guild (Discord) is most active in the evenings. We are all pretty chill people, and we like to keep it that way. We don't tolerate drama or immature behaviour.

[[ JOIN US ]]

++++We do not recruit the character. We recruit the person behind the character.++++

If you're interested in joining Untamed, please message one of our officers ingame or join us on our discord for a chat

Last updated 291 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Haraldsen

Officers: Burnhouse, Hegreyo, Lana

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 719
GroupID 310403
GuildID 44141

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago