About Vantus |
Vantus Is a newly formed guild by a group of players that has been together for a while, we broke off from our previous guild to create a place where we can grow as individually players, and as a whole. We are aiming for reaching Cutting Edge with a decent WR in the next raid tier Castle Nathria. Except for raiding, we also push high mythic+ keys and we wanna continue this in SL. We are recruiting! What Vantus expects of their Raiders.
What Raiders can expect from <Vantus> To maintain an chill but focused atmosphere around raid nights, we play this game to have fun and relax from real life stresses, we don’t want to add to them. We aim to reach a good WR in the first tier in Shadowlands. Apply here: forms.gle/sjz3ruFQLW2G8C26A Contact: GM and Recruitment officers - Kharllang#7716 Rippy#7676 Last updated 219 weeks ago |
About Vantus |
Vantus Is a newly formed guild by a group of players that has been together for a while, we broke off from our previous guild to create a place where we can grow as individually players, and as a whole. We are aiming for reaching Cutting Edge with a decent WR in the next raid tier Castle Nathria. Except for raiding, we also push high mythic+ keys and we wanna continue this in SL. We are recruiting! What Vantus expects of their Raiders.
What Raiders can expect from <Vantus> To maintain an chill but focused atmosphere around raid nights, we play this game to have fun and relax from real life stresses, we don’t want to add to them. We aim to reach a good WR in the first tier in Shadowlands. Apply here: forms.gle/sjz3ruFQLW2G8C26A Contact: GM and Recruitment officers - Kharllang#7716 Rippy#7676 Last updated 219 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?