Last scanned 2 weeks ago
About BlackRavens |
Introduction of Blackravens: The official and at the same time favourite guild of the universe - this happy hungarian company, which exists unbroken since WoW closed beta - welcomes every gamer, who is hungry for playing with us at Twisting-Nether (EU) realm on Horde side. If you are bored with that, you start your journey in every expansion that you are searching for a new guild, because your old one is non exist anymore or has fallen apart midway in the progress and you find yourself without a raiding team or even a guild, then do not hesitate, APPLY NOW! Our team successfully and sometimes unsuccessfully but at least raiding in the whole raid tier while enough enthusiastic members show up on our raid days. If we struggle we’re not discouraged, we’re going to go into the next tier with renewed vigor against the new, more threatening bosses. The secret of our long survival is the more human attitude. Our raids are not dominated by military orders and shouting rather than fun and laughter. If you like that you have been shouted at and humiliated by raid leading before everyone’s eyes then you’re at the wrong place. If you feel that you are talented and clever and you would like to raid with a fixed team and raid days and not with a pug and you plan for a long time, THEN APPLY FAST! You only have to survive Zyelor’s boring jokes, but he can be muted if that is your need, he won't be offended by that. :slight_smile: We used to stream our raids often so you can check our everydays and you can see what you can expect if you JOIN US. Oh and we almost forgot to mention that you can learn hungarian language (which is clearly the most difficult in the world…British scientist has proved it!) while you are raiding in our team! It will be sometimes gibberish at the beginning but you'll be an atomic physicist at the end of the day while you are raiding. j/k :slight_smile: Apply: You can inquire or apply at the officers on our community Discord server searching for the @Officers tag or in game you can ask our members if there is an officer online and they will give you a link for our Discord server. If you are applying for a raider/veteran rank then be so kind and try to introduce yourselves in the #recruit chat on Discord. Our expectations against a raider/veteran are as follows:
Raid days: Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday (mostly 2 raid days the 3rd one is used to be optional or depends on the enthusiasm of the raiding team) Invitation at 19:45 ish., raiding 20:00-23:00 CET At new raid tiers in view of the increased mood for raiding we used to use Mondays for raiding time, but we do not want to be a consistent 3 day raiding team. Other activities: We have several members with the enthusiasm of M+ runs and push the keys as high as the little team is capable of, or you can find the weekly no-leavers groups in our roster. If you are not interested in hard core raiding but you are searching for a casual hc raid, or achievement runs, or weekly no-leaver m+ runs, and want to be part of a friendly mentality guild then we are waiting for your apply with open arms. Our guild is not only for mythic raiders, we are hoping you can find your daily activities in our community. Join our community Discord for more about us! Our previous kill videos: BfA mythic kill videos:
=============================================== Legion mythic kill videos:
=============================================== Mists of Pandaria 10 heroic kill videos:
=============================================== Mists of Pandaria 10 normal kill videos:
Last updated 161 weeks ago |
About BlackRavens |
Introduction of Blackravens: The official and at the same time favourite guild of the universe - this happy hungarian company, which exists unbroken since WoW closed beta - welcomes every gamer, who is hungry for playing with us at Twisting-Nether (EU) realm on Horde side. If you are bored with that, you start your journey in every expansion that you are searching for a new guild, because your old one is non exist anymore or has fallen apart midway in the progress and you find yourself without a raiding team or even a guild, then do not hesitate, APPLY NOW! Our team successfully and sometimes unsuccessfully but at least raiding in the whole raid tier while enough enthusiastic members show up on our raid days. If we struggle we’re not discouraged, we’re going to go into the next tier with renewed vigor against the new, more threatening bosses. The secret of our long survival is the more human attitude. Our raids are not dominated by military orders and shouting rather than fun and laughter. If you like that you have been shouted at and humiliated by raid leading before everyone’s eyes then you’re at the wrong place. If you feel that you are talented and clever and you would like to raid with a fixed team and raid days and not with a pug and you plan for a long time, THEN APPLY FAST! You only have to survive Zyelor’s boring jokes, but he can be muted if that is your need, he won't be offended by that. :slight_smile: We used to stream our raids often so you can check our everydays and you can see what you can expect if you JOIN US. Oh and we almost forgot to mention that you can learn hungarian language (which is clearly the most difficult in the world…British scientist has proved it!) while you are raiding in our team! It will be sometimes gibberish at the beginning but you'll be an atomic physicist at the end of the day while you are raiding. j/k :slight_smile: Apply: You can inquire or apply at the officers on our community Discord server searching for the @Officers tag or in game you can ask our members if there is an officer online and they will give you a link for our Discord server. If you are applying for a raider/veteran rank then be so kind and try to introduce yourselves in the #recruit chat on Discord. Our expectations against a raider/veteran are as follows:
Raid days: Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday (mostly 2 raid days the 3rd one is used to be optional or depends on the enthusiasm of the raiding team) Invitation at 19:45 ish., raiding 20:00-23:00 CET At new raid tiers in view of the increased mood for raiding we used to use Mondays for raiding time, but we do not want to be a consistent 3 day raiding team. Other activities: We have several members with the enthusiasm of M+ runs and push the keys as high as the little team is capable of, or you can find the weekly no-leavers groups in our roster. If you are not interested in hard core raiding but you are searching for a casual hc raid, or achievement runs, or weekly no-leaver m+ runs, and want to be part of a friendly mentality guild then we are waiting for your apply with open arms. Our guild is not only for mythic raiders, we are hoping you can find your daily activities in our community. Join our community Discord for more about us! Our previous kill videos: BfA mythic kill videos:
=============================================== Legion mythic kill videos:
=============================================== Mists of Pandaria 10 heroic kill videos:
=============================================== Mists of Pandaria 10 normal kill videos:
Last updated 161 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?