Last scanned 6 days ago
About Forge |
Dragonflight Vault of the Incarnates: 8/8M CE WR1312 About us. With a small group of people we decided we are going to make a hardcore raiding guild , most of us are Old or current hardcore raiders with some cutting edge experience. Recruitment. We are looking for good likeminded players to achieve our goals (CE as fast as possible) we're looking for people that can learn and manage Tactics fast and are motivated to push tiers. We recruit classes and players. Not specs. If you are hard locked to a spec and it is not good on a fight, we will rotate you if the fight doesn't work for your spec. Raid times. Monday/Wednesday/Thursday From 20:00-23:00 ST Invites will start at 19:45 ST we'll have a 10min break during our raidtime. Sunday might be added as a raid day mid to end of tier to push kills if needed After we get CE we will be taking a 2 week break then we'll be raiding 2/3 days to reclear and prepare for next tier. General Guild rules ● No toxicity,No Drama Anyone promoting such behavior will be removed. ● We raid to kill bosses, not to chase parses. Understand the difference and play for the team, not for yourself ● Your attendance is Expected unless it’s an emergency, notifying about your absence in advance will be expected. ● We will have a roster larger than 20 raiders and rotation for fights will be a thing. If u are interested our have any questions feel free to. Add Healmeup#2178 Or xandread#1761 Or go to our discord ( Last updated 97 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Doomcurse |
About Forge |
Dragonflight Vault of the Incarnates: 8/8M CE WR1312 About us. With a small group of people we decided we are going to make a hardcore raiding guild , most of us are Old or current hardcore raiders with some cutting edge experience. Recruitment. We are looking for good likeminded players to achieve our goals (CE as fast as possible) we're looking for people that can learn and manage Tactics fast and are motivated to push tiers. We recruit classes and players. Not specs. If you are hard locked to a spec and it is not good on a fight, we will rotate you if the fight doesn't work for your spec. Raid times. Monday/Wednesday/Thursday From 20:00-23:00 ST Invites will start at 19:45 ST we'll have a 10min break during our raidtime. Sunday might be added as a raid day mid to end of tier to push kills if needed After we get CE we will be taking a 2 week break then we'll be raiding 2/3 days to reclear and prepare for next tier. General Guild rules ● No toxicity,No Drama Anyone promoting such behavior will be removed. ● We raid to kill bosses, not to chase parses. Understand the difference and play for the team, not for yourself ● Your attendance is Expected unless it’s an emergency, notifying about your absence in advance will be expected. ● We will have a roster larger than 20 raiders and rotation for fights will be a thing. If u are interested our have any questions feel free to. Add Healmeup#2178 Or xandread#1761 Or go to our discord ( Last updated 97 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?