Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago

About GXG

Guild mission and objective

  • Maintain a relaxed progressive team environment where everyone is focused on their characters to contribute towards common team goals, the milestones, and goals to be adjusted according to the skill and/or contribution of the members.
  • Primary goal is to have a team to get Ahead of the Curve for every tier, and push for mythic progression to the best of our abilities.
  • To not become a mass guild plagued with drama, passive/aggressive guild chat, and no guild events to participate in.
  • Maximum member count (socials included, alts excluded) - 50;
  • Provide an environment for newcomers of the game to be able to learn the game and join us in the endgame content.
  • Have an active schedule of events to keep you focused and motivated to play.

Guild rules

  • Be friendly at all times to all players under our guild name.
  • Teach, not torment guild members.
  • Help guild members in need.
  • Use Officers/ GM to talk about your dislikes in the team and/or team members.
  • Do not incite Drama or unfriendly chats.
  • No Master Loot, it is up to you personally to decide if you want to announce an item for roll or not (highest roll wins*).
  • Participation in voice channels for all guild events.
  • No Gold trading/asking among guild members.
  • No Casino/RNG rolls for gold among guild members.
  • Anyone of rank MEMBER, OG, and OFFICER must be able to attend at least 3 out of 4 weeks of guild events.
  • Publicly taunting guild members into an argument, flaming, name calling of any sorts will not be tolerated.

Guild events

  • All guild events will be hosted and announced on Discord.
  • All guild events will start forming/grouping at 21:15 servertime, with expected time to start at 21:30 servertime. (minimum duration 2 hours, maximum duration 3 hours, depending on teams preference/mood).
  • All guild events are PUG friendly - we will not cancel an event because guild members didnt show, we will use the premade finder up to 1 hour maximum to complete the needed composition to play. Whether it is raid, dungeon, or PVP.
  • Guild events are:
  • Tuesday: Mythic+ Weekly Chest help for all those in need.
  • Wednesday: Main progression raid.
  • Thursday: Main progression raid.
  • Sunday: CASUAL PVP day to relax, NOTHING HARDCORE, just hang out, pewpew whatever we can. RATED BGs or RATED Arenas.

Bnet: Afterspace#1547 // Discord: Gazmendi#2641

Last updated 114 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Tazdingomann

Officers: Discog

About GXG

Guild mission and objective

  • Maintain a relaxed progressive team environment where everyone is focused on their characters to contribute towards common team goals, the milestones, and goals to be adjusted according to the skill and/or contribution of the members.
  • Primary goal is to have a team to get Ahead of the Curve for every tier, and push for mythic progression to the best of our abilities.
  • To not become a mass guild plagued with drama, passive/aggressive guild chat, and no guild events to participate in.
  • Maximum member count (socials included, alts excluded) - 50;
  • Provide an environment for newcomers of the game to be able to learn the game and join us in the endgame content.
  • Have an active schedule of events to keep you focused and motivated to play.

Guild rules

  • Be friendly at all times to all players under our guild name.
  • Teach, not torment guild members.
  • Help guild members in need.
  • Use Officers/ GM to talk about your dislikes in the team and/or team members.
  • Do not incite Drama or unfriendly chats.
  • No Master Loot, it is up to you personally to decide if you want to announce an item for roll or not (highest roll wins*).
  • Participation in voice channels for all guild events.
  • No Gold trading/asking among guild members.
  • No Casino/RNG rolls for gold among guild members.
  • Anyone of rank MEMBER, OG, and OFFICER must be able to attend at least 3 out of 4 weeks of guild events.
  • Publicly taunting guild members into an argument, flaming, name calling of any sorts will not be tolerated.

Guild events

  • All guild events will be hosted and announced on Discord.
  • All guild events will start forming/grouping at 21:15 servertime, with expected time to start at 21:30 servertime. (minimum duration 2 hours, maximum duration 3 hours, depending on teams preference/mood).
  • All guild events are PUG friendly - we will not cancel an event because guild members didnt show, we will use the premade finder up to 1 hour maximum to complete the needed composition to play. Whether it is raid, dungeon, or PVP.
  • Guild events are:
  • Tuesday: Mythic+ Weekly Chest help for all those in need.
  • Wednesday: Main progression raid.
  • Thursday: Main progression raid.
  • Sunday: CASUAL PVP day to relax, NOTHING HARDCORE, just hang out, pewpew whatever we can. RATED BGs or RATED Arenas.

Bnet: Afterspace#1547 // Discord: Gazmendi#2641

Last updated 114 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Tazdingomann

Officers: Discog

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 739
GroupID 1681547
GuildID 1698088

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago