6/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
4/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 33 minutes ago

About Naga

Naga is a social raid guild.

Recruitment is open for the upcoming season for both teams.



Curve team Healspot high priority


What do we expect from our raiders :

Attendance - as minimum communication when absense


Keeping your character up to date- Hereunder enchants, gems etc.

Being able to take feedback as feedback and not an attack

Doing m+ for vault in between raids - no we do not expect a vault full of the max ilvl, but we do expect some sort of dedication to not only rely on raid loot.

Both teams will be raiding thursday & sunday night from 20-22.30 CEST



But raiding is far from all we do. When I say Social raid guild, I really mean that we are social :smiley: We do M+ ( Both high and low) Social ingame events ( Such as Riddled Hide and seek, Speed transmog contest, and game nights) Achievement runs, and a monthly discord Screenshot contest . Then there is often people hanging out in voice channels, or running keys or lvling alts.

So If you are looking for a bunch of friendly helpfull weirdos that likes to be social, but also do actual content. Then look no further :D You are very welcome to send a message on Discord to mith2411, Pandah, Or Zara13

Last updated 1 week ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Mithaylia

Officers: Garshank, Geldorion, Pínecone, Rhyshadi

About Naga

Naga is a social raid guild.

Recruitment is open for the upcoming season for both teams.



Curve team Healspot high priority


What do we expect from our raiders :

Attendance - as minimum communication when absense


Keeping your character up to date- Hereunder enchants, gems etc.

Being able to take feedback as feedback and not an attack

Doing m+ for vault in between raids - no we do not expect a vault full of the max ilvl, but we do expect some sort of dedication to not only rely on raid loot.

Both teams will be raiding thursday & sunday night from 20-22.30 CEST



But raiding is far from all we do. When I say Social raid guild, I really mean that we are social :smiley: We do M+ ( Both high and low) Social ingame events ( Such as Riddled Hide and seek, Speed transmog contest, and game nights) Achievement runs, and a monthly discord Screenshot contest . Then there is often people hanging out in voice channels, or running keys or lvling alts.

So If you are looking for a bunch of friendly helpfull weirdos that likes to be social, but also do actual content. Then look no further :D You are very welcome to send a message on Discord to mith2411, Pandah, Or Zara13

Last updated 1 week ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Mithaylia

Officers: Garshank, Geldorion, Pínecone, Rhyshadi

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic6/8 H3,4331,889109
Normal8/8 N3,9272,164114
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic4/8 M4,0402,313132
Heroic8/8 H6,6773,636200
Normal8/8 N6,9433,408188
Blackrock Depths
Heroic7/8 H1,66794937
Normal7/8 N2,2731,04816
RealmID 739
GroupID 1299309
GuildID 1332323

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 33 minutes ago