Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago

About Twisted


We are opening recruitments for Season 4 and Dragonflight Expansion.
All classes are welcome to apply.


Interested mostly in talented players that are not disappointed and bored of the game, who are willing to put effort into Mythic Raiding for a chill schedule and some fun while clearing the content.


  • Thursday 20:00 - 23:30 ST
  • Monday 20:00 - 23:30 ST


  • We're raiding twice a week, however at the start of the tier we're mostly going to have one extra day added up. Attendance close to 100% is required and while we do understand that real-life situations happen, we do require you to communicate your schedule in time.
  • Good experience with the class/spec you're playing is a must. Alts are totally optional, however, we're asking you to keep your main char optimized, meaning you're not just raid logging.
  • Classic players are forbidden, we don't want players who are as bad as we were in 2007 at playing WoW. On a serious note, we would prefer players who are pushing here in the present to improve rather than nostalgics or people who prefer to push a one-button macro and kill bosses.
  • Able to communicate in English (spoken/written) and stable connection/PC.

Application form link :

For more questions/applications contact Daark#3349 or Moro#1842 on Discord.

Discord server:

Last updated 138 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Ghiuldan

Officers: Quidox, Zen

About Twisted


We are opening recruitments for Season 4 and Dragonflight Expansion.
All classes are welcome to apply.


Interested mostly in talented players that are not disappointed and bored of the game, who are willing to put effort into Mythic Raiding for a chill schedule and some fun while clearing the content.


  • Thursday 20:00 - 23:30 ST
  • Monday 20:00 - 23:30 ST


  • We're raiding twice a week, however at the start of the tier we're mostly going to have one extra day added up. Attendance close to 100% is required and while we do understand that real-life situations happen, we do require you to communicate your schedule in time.
  • Good experience with the class/spec you're playing is a must. Alts are totally optional, however, we're asking you to keep your main char optimized, meaning you're not just raid logging.
  • Classic players are forbidden, we don't want players who are as bad as we were in 2007 at playing WoW. On a serious note, we would prefer players who are pushing here in the present to improve rather than nostalgics or people who prefer to push a one-button macro and kill bosses.
  • Able to communicate in English (spoken/written) and stable connection/PC.

Application form link :

For more questions/applications contact Daark#3349 or Moro#1842 on Discord.

Discord server:

Last updated 138 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Ghiuldan

Officers: Quidox, Zen

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 739
GroupID 605
GuildID 44869

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago