
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 5 days ago

About Discipline

Progression: 2/11 M SFO 11/11 H SFO 5/10 M SOD 10/10 H CN

Raid Days/Times: Tuesdays 7:30PM - 10:30PM CST Wednesday 7:30PM - 10:30PM CST

We are continuing Mythic Progression and are continuing to look for fun and engaging raiders to join our shenanigans.

We are a truly unique group of individuals who all live very busy real lives. We’re a fun and engaging community with players across all time zones. There are always active players online. We are try-hards but not hard-core. At our core we push top end content but have players of all aspects of the game (Mythic+, PvP, Mount Hunter, Tmogers, Nomadic horde arriving fresh from O-grim-oar). We like to keep a note of fun in what we do. Progress is great but doing it without some laughs sucks.

We are LGBTQ+ friendly, toxic behavior and drama are not tolerated.

Raider Requirements: Reliable, High Learning Curve, desire to play the game.

Immediate openings available for exceptional healers, Boomy with Resto flex, SPriest with Holy Flex, and Flex Pally. Any exceptional DPS and Healers.

Join the fastest progressing Alliance guild!

**Recruitment Contacts: **Shimmers#9567 (Discord), Thorr#8990 (Discord) or Giauzer#8101(discord)/Giau#11835(btag)

Warcraft Logs:

Last updated 144 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Shimmers

About Discipline

Progression: 2/11 M SFO 11/11 H SFO 5/10 M SOD 10/10 H CN

Raid Days/Times: Tuesdays 7:30PM - 10:30PM CST Wednesday 7:30PM - 10:30PM CST

We are continuing Mythic Progression and are continuing to look for fun and engaging raiders to join our shenanigans.

We are a truly unique group of individuals who all live very busy real lives. We’re a fun and engaging community with players across all time zones. There are always active players online. We are try-hards but not hard-core. At our core we push top end content but have players of all aspects of the game (Mythic+, PvP, Mount Hunter, Tmogers, Nomadic horde arriving fresh from O-grim-oar). We like to keep a note of fun in what we do. Progress is great but doing it without some laughs sucks.

We are LGBTQ+ friendly, toxic behavior and drama are not tolerated.

Raider Requirements: Reliable, High Learning Curve, desire to play the game.

Immediate openings available for exceptional healers, Boomy with Resto flex, SPriest with Holy Flex, and Flex Pally. Any exceptional DPS and Healers.

Join the fastest progressing Alliance guild!

**Recruitment Contacts: **Shimmers#9567 (Discord), Thorr#8990 (Discord) or Giauzer#8101(discord)/Giau#11835(btag)

Warcraft Logs:

Last updated 144 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Shimmers

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 247
GroupID 1423877
GuildID 1457652

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 5 days ago