
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 14 hours ago

About Refrigeraiders

<Refrigeraiders> is a recently revitalized Alliance guild looking to progress through end game content with mythic aspirations. We are a close group of friends who recently decided to enter back into the raiding world, with most of us having multiple server first clearing experiences from Illidan and Kil’jaeden in The Burning Crusade, to more recent expansions such as Cataclysm, MoP and Legion where multiple members continued playing on as the leaders of other server first guilds.

Since coming back, some of our raiding accomplishments include the realm first AotC completion in every content tier since our reformation in BRF, as well as Cutting Edge Xavius and Realm First! Xavius in Legion.

Currently, we are 11/12M Ny'alotha.

Our current need for the roster:

Havoc DH

Windwalker Monk

Strong Ranged DPS

Any strong applicant will always be considered :D

Raid Times:

Our current raiding schedule is Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 pm to 11 pm EST.

We expect that as a raid member:

  • You should be able to maintain 90% raid availability, we have a tight core that does not have substitutes some nights due to real life restrictions. Advanced warning of any absence at least the morning of a raid night is required, though the night before is preferable.
  • You should know your class! Being able to switch between specs is crucial as we continue to progress.
  • You should have prior raiding experience and a competent knowledge base of your class. We may expect you to perform a certain raid function you might not usually do and you will be required to adapt to such situations in raid.
  • You should have a functioning microphone and be able to use it.
  • You should be able to take a joke, we are a mature (though often childish) bunch of friends who often shenaniganize one another.
  • Most importantly, you should be able to have fun and know that at the root of all our madness, we are just a bunch of people trying to have fun in a competitive venue.

We have a 0% tolerance policy for any elitism, condescension or malicious behaviour. Any and all suggestions or complaints should be voiced in a constructive and positive manner.

For more information or an invite, you can contact the following people in game on US-Aggramar, Alliance:

Gfry (GM) - gfry#1340 Tor (Officer) - schafer#2891 Malachei (Officer) - Malachei#11385

Thank you for taking the time to hear a bit about our guild, we genuinely hope to see you in game!

Last updated 229 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Turnip

Officers: Ðuskflare

About Refrigeraiders

<Refrigeraiders> is a recently revitalized Alliance guild looking to progress through end game content with mythic aspirations. We are a close group of friends who recently decided to enter back into the raiding world, with most of us having multiple server first clearing experiences from Illidan and Kil’jaeden in The Burning Crusade, to more recent expansions such as Cataclysm, MoP and Legion where multiple members continued playing on as the leaders of other server first guilds.

Since coming back, some of our raiding accomplishments include the realm first AotC completion in every content tier since our reformation in BRF, as well as Cutting Edge Xavius and Realm First! Xavius in Legion.

Currently, we are 11/12M Ny'alotha.

Our current need for the roster:

Havoc DH

Windwalker Monk

Strong Ranged DPS

Any strong applicant will always be considered :D

Raid Times:

Our current raiding schedule is Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 pm to 11 pm EST.

We expect that as a raid member:

  • You should be able to maintain 90% raid availability, we have a tight core that does not have substitutes some nights due to real life restrictions. Advanced warning of any absence at least the morning of a raid night is required, though the night before is preferable.
  • You should know your class! Being able to switch between specs is crucial as we continue to progress.
  • You should have prior raiding experience and a competent knowledge base of your class. We may expect you to perform a certain raid function you might not usually do and you will be required to adapt to such situations in raid.
  • You should have a functioning microphone and be able to use it.
  • You should be able to take a joke, we are a mature (though often childish) bunch of friends who often shenaniganize one another.
  • Most importantly, you should be able to have fun and know that at the root of all our madness, we are just a bunch of people trying to have fun in a competitive venue.

We have a 0% tolerance policy for any elitism, condescension or malicious behaviour. Any and all suggestions or complaints should be voiced in a constructive and positive manner.

For more information or an invite, you can contact the following people in game on US-Aggramar, Alliance:

Gfry (GM) - gfry#1340 Tor (Officer) - schafer#2891 Malachei (Officer) - Malachei#11385

Thank you for taking the time to hear a bit about our guild, we genuinely hope to see you in game!

Last updated 229 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Turnip

Officers: Ðuskflare

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 250
GroupID 2846
GuildID 397566

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 14 hours ago