Last scanned 16 hours ago
About Molotov |
Molotov is looking for active raiders to join us for The War Within. We are a Heroic only guild that has existed since Vanilla, with a dedicated core of officers and raiders from that time, as well as plenty of newer faces we’ve collected along the way. Recruitment is open for a few select roles - most notably we are seeking a couple of dps (druid and a shaman) to join the core team. A final note - the guild is Alliance, but as guilds went cross-faction and cross-server, we welcome applications from players of either faction and from any server as long as our raid times suit you.
Guild Details Raid times: 8 – 11pm Server time Wednesday & Thursday (AEST/AEDT). TWW Progress 8/8 Heroic Neru'bar Palace, 5/8 Heroic Undermine If you're interested in joining for Season 2 of The War Within, please speak to an officer, as we will consider people who want to join even if the raid roster is full.
Contact Details: Contact Disapproving (Battletag Disapproving#1792 or Discord disapproving) or Rath (Battletag Rath#6607 or Discord rath6148). You can also find us online, just /who Molotov on the Khaz'goroth / Dath'remar / Aman’thul Oceanic server
What You Can Expect
What We Expect Come to raid prepared – watch a quick guide video, get your gear enchanted, have consumables. Specifics e.g. minimum ilvl, specific consumables, etc are announced before each tier and throughout as needed. Treat the raid team as you’d want to be treated – respect your teammate’s time, and you can expect the same in return. While we only push for AOTC (i.e. no Mythic raiding), everyone is happiest when the team is performing well. This means that individual performance is an important factor. No one wants to carry, nor does it feel good to be carried. We have experienced players who can assist you if you want, all we ask in return is that you bring a competitive mentality to your play. Last updated 6 days ago |
About Molotov |
Molotov is looking for active raiders to join us for The War Within. We are a Heroic only guild that has existed since Vanilla, with a dedicated core of officers and raiders from that time, as well as plenty of newer faces we’ve collected along the way. Recruitment is open for a few select roles - most notably we are seeking a couple of dps (druid and a shaman) to join the core team. A final note - the guild is Alliance, but as guilds went cross-faction and cross-server, we welcome applications from players of either faction and from any server as long as our raid times suit you.
Guild Details Raid times: 8 – 11pm Server time Wednesday & Thursday (AEST/AEDT). TWW Progress 8/8 Heroic Neru'bar Palace, 5/8 Heroic Undermine If you're interested in joining for Season 2 of The War Within, please speak to an officer, as we will consider people who want to join even if the raid roster is full.
Contact Details: Contact Disapproving (Battletag Disapproving#1792 or Discord disapproving) or Rath (Battletag Rath#6607 or Discord rath6148). You can also find us online, just /who Molotov on the Khaz'goroth / Dath'remar / Aman’thul Oceanic server
What You Can Expect
What We Expect Come to raid prepared – watch a quick guide video, get your gear enchanted, have consumables. Specifics e.g. minimum ilvl, specific consumables, etc are announced before each tier and throughout as needed. Treat the raid team as you’d want to be treated – respect your teammate’s time, and you can expect the same in return. While we only push for AOTC (i.e. no Mythic raiding), everyone is happiest when the team is performing well. This means that individual performance is an important factor. No one wants to carry, nor does it feel good to be carried. We have experienced players who can assist you if you want, all we ask in return is that you bring a competitive mentality to your play. Last updated 6 days ago |