
3/8 M
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 2nd Raid Week)
8/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Mythic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 13th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 17 hours ago

About Astral

You can find our progression from Shadowlands and earlier under the same name on Turalyon-US.


Please make sure you're speaking to an officer/raider of Astral if you're trying to schedule sales runs with us. We only offer sales for in-game gold.

  • Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 9pm- 12am EST (6pm - 9pm PST)
  • We do raid one additional day (Monday) the first several weeks of a new tier, after which point it becomes our 100% optional alt/friend raid.
What We Offer:
  • A stable roster, many of whom have been raiding together more than a decade
  • Leadership with many years of progression-oriented hardcore experience, including world top 10 kills
  • Constructive raid environment with zero tolerance for bigotry
  • We strive for efficiency - our time is precious and we know yours is as well
  • Guild repairs for mains and alts
  • Enchants, flasks, pots, food, gems, and other materials as necessary
  • Alt raids and Mythic+ Groups
  • Optional off-night events with friends & family - many of us play other games together
What We're Looking For:
  • Recent previous Cutting Edge experience or prior high-end raiding resume
  • Intimate knowledge of your class, spec, and role
  • Emphasis on preparation and accountability
  • Passionate, mature attitude and willingness to take/give constructive criticism
  • Willingness to work collaboratively and promote a culture of continuous self-improvement
  • Alts are not required but are a bonus and utilized
  • You must submit an application at to be considered. All applications are confidential and only seen by our officers and raiders.
  • Tank-role applicants should preferably be willing and able to play more than one tank class at a competent level.
  • Any potential Ret, DK, or Warrior applicants would preferably be proficient in off-tanking and willing to tank for 3-tank fights.
  • If your class is not specifically listed and you feel you would be an asset, please feel free to apply.
Previous Progression:
  • We've been raiding consistently since Emerald Nightmare of Legion
  • We've gotten every CE since Emerald Nightmare of Legion
  • We've never taken a break or missed raid days within our control
  • We like raiding
Raiding History
- US 119 9/9 Mythic Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
- US 169 9/9 Mythic Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
- US 132 8/8M Mythic Vault of the Incarnates (Server Transfer)
- US 75 11/11 Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones
- US 117 10/10 Mythic Sanctum of Domination
- US 82 10/10 Mythic Castle Nathria
- US 72 12/12 Mythic Ny'alotha, the Waking City 
- US 75 8/8 Mythic The Eternal Palace
- US 71 2/2 Mythic Crucible of Storms (Faction Change)
- US 112 9/9 Mythic Battle of Dazar'alor
- US 145 8/8 Mythic Uldir
- US 187 11/11 Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne
- US 107 9/9 Mythic Tomb of Sargeras
- 10/10 Mythic The Nighthold
- 3/3 Mythic Trial of Valor
- 7/7 Mythic Emerald Nightmare
Contacts (Bnet/Discord)
  • GM: Terra#1216 / terradk
  • Officer: Ayegon#1108 / ayegon
  • Recruitment Officer: Joshi#1345 / fineapplegaytini

Last updated 21 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Terraqt

Officers: Baegon, Lilaeleas

About Astral

You can find our progression from Shadowlands and earlier under the same name on Turalyon-US.


Please make sure you're speaking to an officer/raider of Astral if you're trying to schedule sales runs with us. We only offer sales for in-game gold.

  • Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 9pm- 12am EST (6pm - 9pm PST)
  • We do raid one additional day (Monday) the first several weeks of a new tier, after which point it becomes our 100% optional alt/friend raid.
What We Offer:
  • A stable roster, many of whom have been raiding together more than a decade
  • Leadership with many years of progression-oriented hardcore experience, including world top 10 kills
  • Constructive raid environment with zero tolerance for bigotry
  • We strive for efficiency - our time is precious and we know yours is as well
  • Guild repairs for mains and alts
  • Enchants, flasks, pots, food, gems, and other materials as necessary
  • Alt raids and Mythic+ Groups
  • Optional off-night events with friends & family - many of us play other games together
What We're Looking For:
  • Recent previous Cutting Edge experience or prior high-end raiding resume
  • Intimate knowledge of your class, spec, and role
  • Emphasis on preparation and accountability
  • Passionate, mature attitude and willingness to take/give constructive criticism
  • Willingness to work collaboratively and promote a culture of continuous self-improvement
  • Alts are not required but are a bonus and utilized
  • You must submit an application at to be considered. All applications are confidential and only seen by our officers and raiders.
  • Tank-role applicants should preferably be willing and able to play more than one tank class at a competent level.
  • Any potential Ret, DK, or Warrior applicants would preferably be proficient in off-tanking and willing to tank for 3-tank fights.
  • If your class is not specifically listed and you feel you would be an asset, please feel free to apply.
Previous Progression:
  • We've been raiding consistently since Emerald Nightmare of Legion
  • We've gotten every CE since Emerald Nightmare of Legion
  • We've never taken a break or missed raid days within our control
  • We like raiding
Raiding History
- US 119 9/9 Mythic Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
- US 169 9/9 Mythic Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
- US 132 8/8M Mythic Vault of the Incarnates (Server Transfer)
- US 75 11/11 Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones
- US 117 10/10 Mythic Sanctum of Domination
- US 82 10/10 Mythic Castle Nathria
- US 72 12/12 Mythic Ny'alotha, the Waking City 
- US 75 8/8 Mythic The Eternal Palace
- US 71 2/2 Mythic Crucible of Storms (Faction Change)
- US 112 9/9 Mythic Battle of Dazar'alor
- US 145 8/8 Mythic Uldir
- US 187 11/11 Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne
- US 107 9/9 Mythic Tomb of Sargeras
- 10/10 Mythic The Nighthold
- 3/3 Mythic Trial of Valor
- 7/7 Mythic Emerald Nightmare
Contacts (Bnet/Discord)
  • GM: Terra#1216 / terradk
  • Officer: Ayegon#1108 / ayegon
  • Recruitment Officer: Joshi#1345 / fineapplegaytini

Last updated 21 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Terraqt

Officers: Baegon, Lilaeleas

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Mythic3/8 M74529252
Heroic8/8 H69123345
Normal8/8 N2,454994132
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic8/8 M40513620
Heroic8/8 H81728149
Normal8/8 N22022041
Blackrock Depths
Heroic8/8 H78529944
RealmID 264
GroupID 405731
GuildID 5977

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 17 hours ago