
4/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 8th Raid Week)
4/8 H
Blackrock Depths

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago

About EUphoriants

EUphoriants is a guild and community of players active during the peak hours in Europe (6pm - 1am UTC / 2-7pm EST).

Raid Schedule:

We run multiple teams to try suit schedules and the number of players we have interested in raiding.

- Mythic Progression "Wednesday Team"

  • Wednesday - 20:00-23:00 UK/ 21:00-00:00 EU / 15:00-18:00pm EST.

- Mythic Progression "Thursday Team"

  • Thursday - 20:30-23:00 UK / 21:30-00:00 EU / 15:30-18:00 EST

- Heroic Raid "Sunday Raid"

  • Sunday 21:00-23:00 UK / 22:00-00:00 EU / 16:00-18:00 EST

We are always recruiting new members and are open to Horde and Alliance from any realm.

Multiple groups run Mythic+ dungeons every night and there are usually people online throughout the day as well.

Formed in 2020, by players in Germany and the UK, the guild and associated community spans over 4 continents.

The guild is open to all who want to join, especially those looking for more activity during European times. We also have US based players who play at irregular hours and are also on during US evenings.

Raiding & Mythic Plus are the focus. The guild has earned AOTC in each patch of Dragonflight and are currently pushing mythic progression in The War Within.

Every season the guild holds a Mythic Plus Challenge to see how far players can progress given gear and playtime limits.

If you are interested contact one of the officers listed on this page or reach out to:

  • insomniac2858 on discord
  • KingTani#6398 on battlenet
  • verdantbacon. on discord

Last updated 8 weeks ago
About EUphoriants

EUphoriants is a guild and community of players active during the peak hours in Europe (6pm - 1am UTC / 2-7pm EST).

Raid Schedule:

We run multiple teams to try suit schedules and the number of players we have interested in raiding.

- Mythic Progression "Wednesday Team"

  • Wednesday - 20:00-23:00 UK/ 21:00-00:00 EU / 15:00-18:00pm EST.

- Mythic Progression "Thursday Team"

  • Thursday - 20:30-23:00 UK / 21:30-00:00 EU / 15:30-18:00 EST

- Heroic Raid "Sunday Raid"

  • Sunday 21:00-23:00 UK / 22:00-00:00 EU / 16:00-18:00 EST

We are always recruiting new members and are open to Horde and Alliance from any realm.

Multiple groups run Mythic+ dungeons every night and there are usually people online throughout the day as well.

Formed in 2020, by players in Germany and the UK, the guild and associated community spans over 4 continents.

The guild is open to all who want to join, especially those looking for more activity during European times. We also have US based players who play at irregular hours and are also on during US evenings.

Raiding & Mythic Plus are the focus. The guild has earned AOTC in each patch of Dragonflight and are currently pushing mythic progression in The War Within.

Every season the guild holds a Mythic Plus Challenge to see how far players can progress given gear and playtime limits.

If you are interested contact one of the officers listed on this page or reach out to:

  • insomniac2858 on discord
  • KingTani#6398 on battlenet
  • verdantbacon. on discord

Last updated 8 weeks ago

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic4/8 M3,1401,218181
Heroic8/8 H7,9783,347408
Normal8/8 N10,4464,620485
Blackrock Depths
Heroic4/8 H2,6631,098105
Normal8/8 N1,87994669
RealmID 264
GroupID 1672733
GuildID 1689718

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago