Guild is missing from the Blizzard API as of
Feb 23 2025 19:22 EST
1 week ago
About FC

<FC> is a semi-hardcore raiding guild focused on pushing content on a limited schedule. Our goal is to foster an environment where people can learn to master their chosen classes and specs. Before raid, we expect raiders to be prepared with solid knowledge of the the boss fights we will be tackling and their own food/flasks/etc. During raid times, we expect full focus from everyone to get as many pulls in as possible - this means minimizing down time between wipes as well as delaying AFKs until the break. We try to keep it light-hearted, but we're all there to kill bosses so we also try not to waste time.

Raid Times:

8-11pm EST Tuesday/Thursday.


We expect close to 100% attendance from everyone on the core raid team. We only raid 6 hours a week, so we're not asking for a huge commitment and we need people to show up on raid nights on time and prepared so that we can get the most out of our limited time. We understand that real life takes precedence and unexpected things can happen, but we also need everyone to understand that you are putting 19 other people out whenever you are absent or late without warning - and the earlier warning the better.


Discord and a working microphone

Respect for both yourself and your fellow raiders, this means keeping drama out of raid chat, guild chat, and discord. Whisper an officer if you have a problem with someone and it will be taken care of in a respectful manner.

Guild Application


Contact Info


  • Drunge#9600
  • Bnet
  • Admin - Macdasm#1514
  • GM-Drunge#1410
  • Treasurer/Cleric- Evaluate#1197
  • Raid Lead - Grouch#1512
  • Recruitment - Durfy#11772

Last updated 310 weeks ago
About FC

<FC> is a semi-hardcore raiding guild focused on pushing content on a limited schedule. Our goal is to foster an environment where people can learn to master their chosen classes and specs. Before raid, we expect raiders to be prepared with solid knowledge of the the boss fights we will be tackling and their own food/flasks/etc. During raid times, we expect full focus from everyone to get as many pulls in as possible - this means minimizing down time between wipes as well as delaying AFKs until the break. We try to keep it light-hearted, but we're all there to kill bosses so we also try not to waste time.

Raid Times:

8-11pm EST Tuesday/Thursday.


We expect close to 100% attendance from everyone on the core raid team. We only raid 6 hours a week, so we're not asking for a huge commitment and we need people to show up on raid nights on time and prepared so that we can get the most out of our limited time. We understand that real life takes precedence and unexpected things can happen, but we also need everyone to understand that you are putting 19 other people out whenever you are absent or late without warning - and the earlier warning the better.


Discord and a working microphone

Respect for both yourself and your fellow raiders, this means keeping drama out of raid chat, guild chat, and discord. Whisper an officer if you have a problem with someone and it will be taken care of in a respectful manner.

Guild Application


Contact Info


  • Drunge#9600
  • Bnet
  • Admin - Macdasm#1514
  • GM-Drunge#1410
  • Treasurer/Cleric- Evaluate#1197
  • Raid Lead - Grouch#1512
  • Recruitment - Durfy#11772

Last updated 310 weeks ago

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 264
GroupID 629732
GuildID 665681