4/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 5th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Fix
About the Guild

Fix is a guild formed in Dragonflight on Area 52. We are building a solid CE-Focused/Mythic-Prog Raid team and our AOTC-based raid team is getting ready for The War Within. We are looking for players who want to push themselves in raids and have a good time doing it.

Raid days and times
Team-Technician (Mythic Progression)
  • Tuesday - 10:30pm - 1:00am EST
  • Thursday - 10:30pm - 1:00am EST
  • (Sometimes Saturday-> Early Season)
Saturday Fun-Runs for all (Typically Normal/Alt Raid)
Expectations from Raiders

Members must maintain a level-headed demeanor and speak to each other as adults. Foster an environment of bringing others up, instead of putting them down. Raiders will be expected to maintain 90%+ attendance. Raiders will be expected to fully understand encounters before pulling the boss.

Loot rules

For the most part, this is up to player discretion and personal loot. However, for key drops like trinkets, we do ask that if the item is tradable and you do not need the item for competitive content (Main Spec CE Raiding, active OS CE Raiding, etc.), that you trade it to a main-spec player that will benefit in our CE progression in early progression days. So if the item is off-spec please trade it or if you do not need drops from a boss, please help funnel gear by switching your loot spec for another main spec CE raider. 99% of the time, we will have no loot issues and loot should be taken care of by re-clears and by individual players themselves, but we do request your cooperation for the benefit of the team progression. ( Subject to change as needed )

Trial Period

Trials will last roughly one month. During this time, it is important to integrate yourself within the community. It is important you prove yourself in raids, but if you are already trialing here, you likely have shown in logs you can hang with the group skill-wise so we will mainly be looking for attendance and attitude in raids.


drdozy on discord; or DrDoZy#1512 on BattleNet

Apply Here

Last updated 22 weeks ago
About Fix
About the Guild

Fix is a guild formed in Dragonflight on Area 52. We are building a solid CE-Focused/Mythic-Prog Raid team and our AOTC-based raid team is getting ready for The War Within. We are looking for players who want to push themselves in raids and have a good time doing it.

Raid days and times
Team-Technician (Mythic Progression)
  • Tuesday - 10:30pm - 1:00am EST
  • Thursday - 10:30pm - 1:00am EST
  • (Sometimes Saturday-> Early Season)
Saturday Fun-Runs for all (Typically Normal/Alt Raid)
Expectations from Raiders

Members must maintain a level-headed demeanor and speak to each other as adults. Foster an environment of bringing others up, instead of putting them down. Raiders will be expected to maintain 90%+ attendance. Raiders will be expected to fully understand encounters before pulling the boss.

Loot rules

For the most part, this is up to player discretion and personal loot. However, for key drops like trinkets, we do ask that if the item is tradable and you do not need the item for competitive content (Main Spec CE Raiding, active OS CE Raiding, etc.), that you trade it to a main-spec player that will benefit in our CE progression in early progression days. So if the item is off-spec please trade it or if you do not need drops from a boss, please help funnel gear by switching your loot spec for another main spec CE raider. 99% of the time, we will have no loot issues and loot should be taken care of by re-clears and by individual players themselves, but we do request your cooperation for the benefit of the team progression. ( Subject to change as needed )

Trial Period

Trials will last roughly one month. During this time, it is important to integrate yourself within the community. It is important you prove yourself in raids, but if you are already trialing here, you likely have shown in logs you can hang with the group skill-wise so we will mainly be looking for attendance and attitude in raids.


drdozy on discord; or DrDoZy#1512 on BattleNet

Apply Here

Last updated 22 weeks ago

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic4/8 M3,3621,307191
Heroic8/8 H3,8441,497227
Normal8/8 N51451480
RealmID 264
GroupID 49049
GuildID 539637

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago