Last scanned 1 hour ago
About Fockery |
Fairly new guild looking for new friends to join. Raiding, Mythic + and just being social and helping each other out. Semi-casual raiding style we like to kill bosses and have fun but expect our teamates to know how to play their specs. Looking to push into mythic but not really CE oriented. Raid times 8-10:30 or 11pm est. Wed/Sun. Alt run Mon since we are all a bunch of altoholics. 8/8 H. ATSC Message Jessibel#1131 (bnet) Jesibel#4693 (discord) with questions. Last updated 93 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Jessrasande Officers: Artillerie, Dekulìnk, Edissnori, Esyker, Esyrogue, Faelakid, Hrukash, Hrukau, Hrukawa, Hrurgarn, Hruskro, Irónside, Irönsidë, Kalerys, Merte, Panzermacht, Rawrie, Rektek, Rinzernda, Saravelle, Saräbi, Sharinari, Sneakid, Steelcide, Suryse, Sylinth, Tyloramor, Verlornes, Willofkngent, Younglìnk, Zorzabonk |
About Fockery |
Fairly new guild looking for new friends to join. Raiding, Mythic + and just being social and helping each other out. Semi-casual raiding style we like to kill bosses and have fun but expect our teamates to know how to play their specs. Looking to push into mythic but not really CE oriented. Raid times 8-10:30 or 11pm est. Wed/Sun. Alt run Mon since we are all a bunch of altoholics. 8/8 H. ATSC Message Jessibel#1131 (bnet) Jesibel#4693 (discord) with questions. Last updated 93 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Jessrasande Officers: Artillerie, Dekulìnk, Edissnori, Esyker, Esyrogue, Faelakid, Hrukash, Hrukau, Hrukawa, Hrurgarn, Hruskro, Irónside, Irönsidë, Kalerys, Merte, Panzermacht, Rawrie, Rektek, Rinzernda, Saravelle, Saräbi, Sharinari, Sneakid, Steelcide, Suryse, Sylinth, Tyloramor, Verlornes, Willofkngent, Younglìnk, Zorzabonk |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?