
3/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 10th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Hyperlight

Hyperlight(Area-52) is a close knit semi-hardcore guild. Our goal is to achieve Ahead of the Curve for each tier. We are looking for dedicated raiders that share this same goal and want to do so in a fun atmosphere, while maintaining the competitiveness needed to succeed.

Raid Times:

Tuesday, Thursday 10:00pm - 1:00 am EST (invites start at 9:45)

Current Progression:

Having cleared Heroic all Shadowlands Raids/Vault of the Incarnates on Heroic we are looking to do the same for Aberrus.

Recruitment needs:

We are currently looking for a Tank to fill out our core 20 man group.

We are an Area52 Horde guild. We require every raider to be on Area52 and Horde.

Feel free to apply if your class is not listed here, or you don’t quite meet the requirements. We are always looking for incredible players. We are willing to help gear if needed, and open to returning players.


Be respectful of other guild members. Dramatic or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated. Geared appropriately and performing to the best of your ability. Able to follow given strategies. Open to constructive criticism and advice. Positive mindset. Progression will include wipes. Consistent attendance. Helps you learn strategy and improve your gear. Knowledge of current raid tier.

If you have any questions or are interested in joining please contact:

Lexxer - Btag: TimmyC69#1451 Vyradria - Btag: t0urniquet#1874

Last updated 97 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Lexxer

Officers: Vyradria

About Hyperlight

Hyperlight(Area-52) is a close knit semi-hardcore guild. Our goal is to achieve Ahead of the Curve for each tier. We are looking for dedicated raiders that share this same goal and want to do so in a fun atmosphere, while maintaining the competitiveness needed to succeed.

Raid Times:

Tuesday, Thursday 10:00pm - 1:00 am EST (invites start at 9:45)

Current Progression:

Having cleared Heroic all Shadowlands Raids/Vault of the Incarnates on Heroic we are looking to do the same for Aberrus.

Recruitment needs:

We are currently looking for a Tank to fill out our core 20 man group.

We are an Area52 Horde guild. We require every raider to be on Area52 and Horde.

Feel free to apply if your class is not listed here, or you don’t quite meet the requirements. We are always looking for incredible players. We are willing to help gear if needed, and open to returning players.


Be respectful of other guild members. Dramatic or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated. Geared appropriately and performing to the best of your ability. Able to follow given strategies. Open to constructive criticism and advice. Positive mindset. Progression will include wipes. Consistent attendance. Helps you learn strategy and improve your gear. Knowledge of current raid tier.

If you have any questions or are interested in joining please contact:

Lexxer - Btag: TimmyC69#1451 Vyradria - Btag: t0urniquet#1874

Last updated 97 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Lexxer

Officers: Vyradria

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic3/8 H8,3573,841423
Normal8/8 N9,8444,626463
Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H10,5304,697524
Normal8/8 N9,9514,488476
RealmID 264
GroupID 1530083
GuildID 1557317

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago