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About Hypothetical |
Battletag: Tadrex#1719 Discord: Tadrex#4505 <Hypothetical> is a newly formed guild of experienced, adult, players. We are dedicated to achieving maximum success while also ensuring maximum enjoyment in all things we do. We value relationships and pride ourselves on maintaining a fun and interactive atmosphere. We believe in preparation for all activities, striving to not just earn better gear but to also improve as a player and a member of the guild. We believe in helping others, not just with in game content but also with strategies, preparation and execution. While we do not maintain or require a heavy schedule, we do require a certain level of performance from and commitment to your character. We are currently recruiting! Last updated 134 weeks ago |
About Hypothetical |
Battletag: Tadrex#1719 Discord: Tadrex#4505 <Hypothetical> is a newly formed guild of experienced, adult, players. We are dedicated to achieving maximum success while also ensuring maximum enjoyment in all things we do. We value relationships and pride ourselves on maintaining a fun and interactive atmosphere. We believe in preparation for all activities, striving to not just earn better gear but to also improve as a player and a member of the guild. We believe in helping others, not just with in game content but also with strategies, preparation and execution. While we do not maintain or require a heavy schedule, we do require a certain level of performance from and commitment to your character. We are currently recruiting! Last updated 134 weeks ago |