8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 5th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 days ago

About Mana

We’re a guild with a rich history of multiple Cutting Edge achievements, led by seasoned raiders who’ve tackled those challenges head-on since 2010, and we're coming back to reform and raid Heroic into Mythic.

Our player base is a small but dedicated group, not yet sufficient for full-fledged raids, but enough to set the foundation for a resurgence. We are on the lookout for individuals who share our enthusiasm for building something great, fostering camaraderie, and experiencing content. The kind of raider we seek is someone willing to embark on this journey with us, contribute to the guild's growth, and, most importantly, have fun along the way. We fit the niche right now, called the Cutting Edge Retirement home.

To tempt you into joining us, here's what we can offer you, aspiring <Mana> Raider:

  • Stress-Free Environment: We value a relaxed, enjoyable raiding atmosphere. It’s all about having fun while working together to achieve our goals.
  • Experienced Leadership: Our guild is led by three former multiple Cutting Edge players who have the knowledge and dedication to tackle the toughest raid content when returning to WOW.

And we only ask a few things of you in return:

  • A willingness to improve.
  • Respect our time as much as you value yours.
  • A positive, team-focused attitude towards both progression and farm.
  • An understanding that IRL issues should not be summoned along with you when it's time to kill dragons.

If the above criteria appeals to you and your raiding dreams, please contact our GM on Discord: Quixsis or via Battle-Net: Quixsis#1477; or Discord: Healyourself

You can contact the following folks for more information:

  • Quixsis (GM) - Discord: Quixsis#6692


We have been raiding for CE since HFC and while our roster has changed in that time, we still strive to be a CE guild.

  • WoD: HFC: CE
  • Legion: EN: CE; ToV: CE, NH: CE; ToS:7/9M; Antorus: CE
  • BFA: Uldir: CE; Dazaralor: CE; Unnat:1/2M, Azshara: CE; Nyalotha: 10/11M (Some of Our Raiders Got CE)
  • Shadowlands: CN: 8/10M; SoD: 5/10M (Break); SotFO: 5/11 (Started Mid-Tier)

Last updated 29 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Ishipit

Officers: Lonedk, Lonesoldier, Pepperi, Scalilli, Spikebutt

About Mana

We’re a guild with a rich history of multiple Cutting Edge achievements, led by seasoned raiders who’ve tackled those challenges head-on since 2010, and we're coming back to reform and raid Heroic into Mythic.

Our player base is a small but dedicated group, not yet sufficient for full-fledged raids, but enough to set the foundation for a resurgence. We are on the lookout for individuals who share our enthusiasm for building something great, fostering camaraderie, and experiencing content. The kind of raider we seek is someone willing to embark on this journey with us, contribute to the guild's growth, and, most importantly, have fun along the way. We fit the niche right now, called the Cutting Edge Retirement home.

To tempt you into joining us, here's what we can offer you, aspiring <Mana> Raider:

  • Stress-Free Environment: We value a relaxed, enjoyable raiding atmosphere. It’s all about having fun while working together to achieve our goals.
  • Experienced Leadership: Our guild is led by three former multiple Cutting Edge players who have the knowledge and dedication to tackle the toughest raid content when returning to WOW.

And we only ask a few things of you in return:

  • A willingness to improve.
  • Respect our time as much as you value yours.
  • A positive, team-focused attitude towards both progression and farm.
  • An understanding that IRL issues should not be summoned along with you when it's time to kill dragons.

If the above criteria appeals to you and your raiding dreams, please contact our GM on Discord: Quixsis or via Battle-Net: Quixsis#1477; or Discord: Healyourself

You can contact the following folks for more information:

  • Quixsis (GM) - Discord: Quixsis#6692


We have been raiding for CE since HFC and while our roster has changed in that time, we still strive to be a CE guild.

  • WoD: HFC: CE
  • Legion: EN: CE; ToV: CE, NH: CE; ToS:7/9M; Antorus: CE
  • BFA: Uldir: CE; Dazaralor: CE; Unnat:1/2M, Azshara: CE; Nyalotha: 10/11M (Some of Our Raiders Got CE)
  • Shadowlands: CN: 8/10M; SoD: 5/10M (Break); SotFO: 5/11 (Started Mid-Tier)

Last updated 29 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Ishipit

Officers: Lonedk, Lonesoldier, Pepperi, Scalilli, Spikebutt

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H3,4541,309202
Normal8/8 N4,5472,308295
RealmID 264
GroupID 1569586
GuildID 1593027

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 days ago