Guild is missing from the Blizzard API as of
Mar 10 2025 12:02 +01
5 days ago
About Salt

Salt of Area 52

Current Progression: 4/9M ATSC // CE Vault, Sepulcher, Sanctum, and Nathria

Raid Days: Wed & Thurs at 8:00pm-11:00pm EST. Invites go out at 7:45pm EST.


We will always look at exceptional applicants of any class!

Goals & Expectations:

The goals of Salt are pretty straightforward— to consistently achieve mythic progression and Cutting Edge every tier as a guild, while also fostering an enjoyable non-toxic environment. We expect you to have a foundational knowledge of your class, complete your weekly M+ keys, be gemmed, enchanted and come prepared to raid.

If you have any questions, message @Weenis on Discord!

Last updated 91 weeks ago
About Salt

Salt of Area 52

Current Progression: 4/9M ATSC // CE Vault, Sepulcher, Sanctum, and Nathria

Raid Days: Wed & Thurs at 8:00pm-11:00pm EST. Invites go out at 7:45pm EST.


We will always look at exceptional applicants of any class!

Goals & Expectations:

The goals of Salt are pretty straightforward— to consistently achieve mythic progression and Cutting Edge every tier as a guild, while also fostering an enjoyable non-toxic environment. We expect you to have a foundational knowledge of your class, complete your weekly M+ keys, be gemmed, enchanted and come prepared to raid.

If you have any questions, message @Weenis on Discord!

Last updated 91 weeks ago

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 264
GroupID 1271886
GuildID 1305012