Last scanned 9 hours ago
About Strays |
<Strays> was formerly a 3rd raid team in the guild (Divide-A52). We formed back in February of this past year so the CE focused guild could have a little more casual raid team that was focused on AoTC/Mythic Lite. We were able to quickly get AoTC the past 2 tiers and then the first few Mythic bosses until people burned out and were looking to play other games and wait for the next tier. We built a strong core group of raiders and made the decision to leave <Divide> to stand on our own for this tier. We are looking to beef up our roster for the new tier so we can quickly get AoTC again and continue to prog into Mythic as the team wants. We are a fairly active discord and we have raiders that enjoy M+ pretty heavily as well as some PvP. We have mount farmers and achievement whores too. Here is a bit of info about us if you might be interested: Last updated 69 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Slightlyused Officers: Andarví, Ariyanayipar, Atrangi, Beanedict, Beanhunt, Beanith, Beanreaper, Brooz, Bèankin, Béanpriest, Cairdal, Carragh, Carraghthree, Carraghtwo, Damagedgoodz, Dharmã, Dharmå, Dhârma, Dhãrma, Eloisi, Haithuy, Moozler, Níneveh, Orkadaz, Shootzle, Slightly, Sophí, Wooze, Woozle, Wøøzle |
About Strays |
<Strays> was formerly a 3rd raid team in the guild (Divide-A52). We formed back in February of this past year so the CE focused guild could have a little more casual raid team that was focused on AoTC/Mythic Lite. We were able to quickly get AoTC the past 2 tiers and then the first few Mythic bosses until people burned out and were looking to play other games and wait for the next tier. We built a strong core group of raiders and made the decision to leave <Divide> to stand on our own for this tier. We are looking to beef up our roster for the new tier so we can quickly get AoTC again and continue to prog into Mythic as the team wants. We are a fairly active discord and we have raiders that enjoy M+ pretty heavily as well as some PvP. We have mount farmers and achievement whores too. Here is a bit of info about us if you might be interested: Last updated 69 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Slightlyused Officers: Andarví, Ariyanayipar, Atrangi, Beanedict, Beanhunt, Beanith, Beanreaper, Brooz, Bèankin, Béanpriest, Cairdal, Carragh, Carraghthree, Carraghtwo, Damagedgoodz, Dharmã, Dharmå, Dhârma, Dhãrma, Eloisi, Haithuy, Moozler, Níneveh, Orkadaz, Shootzle, Slightly, Sophí, Wooze, Woozle, Wøøzle |