
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Subseq

Guild History

We started at the beginning of Legion as a casual guild on the server Garona. Over the course of the expansion our ambitions grew, so we built up the roster for us to dabble a little in mythic. With no experience in mythic before we ended up going 5/9 in ToS and 7/11 in Antorus. We understand to some that's not much, but for us it was and it was a blast. When BFA arrived, it eventually upset a lot of our players and eventually we decided to take a break from WoW. Now with Shadowlands on the horizon we're looking to build the guild back up. Everyone plays this game with different interests and goals in mind. This guild's focus is on Heroic raiding and mythic plus with the possibility of a little mythic raiding, however, striving for Cutting Edge is not a priority of ours.

We run this guild with an Officer Council for a few reasons. We've all at one point have been in those guilds where the GM acted like a dictator controlling everything and everyone. We don't want one person to have all the say in decisions. An Officer Council gives us multiple points of view for communication and discourse to do what's best for the guild and our members.

The most important thing to us is having a fun, chill, and productive place to do this hobby of ours. Banter is acceptable to a degree, however if someone asks for it to stop. IT STOPS. Being an egomaniac that sees themselves as above others or the guild, as well as, racist/homophobic remarks are never tolerated here. If you cannot abide by these simple rules, then this guild is not for you.

Our raid times are Tues/Thursday 8pm-11pm CST.

You can get a little sense of our history and guild environment by watching this highlight video:

If you're interested in joining please fill out the following application:

Last updated 242 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Sylveas

Officers: Monkenjoyer

About Subseq

Guild History

We started at the beginning of Legion as a casual guild on the server Garona. Over the course of the expansion our ambitions grew, so we built up the roster for us to dabble a little in mythic. With no experience in mythic before we ended up going 5/9 in ToS and 7/11 in Antorus. We understand to some that's not much, but for us it was and it was a blast. When BFA arrived, it eventually upset a lot of our players and eventually we decided to take a break from WoW. Now with Shadowlands on the horizon we're looking to build the guild back up. Everyone plays this game with different interests and goals in mind. This guild's focus is on Heroic raiding and mythic plus with the possibility of a little mythic raiding, however, striving for Cutting Edge is not a priority of ours.

We run this guild with an Officer Council for a few reasons. We've all at one point have been in those guilds where the GM acted like a dictator controlling everything and everyone. We don't want one person to have all the say in decisions. An Officer Council gives us multiple points of view for communication and discourse to do what's best for the guild and our members.

The most important thing to us is having a fun, chill, and productive place to do this hobby of ours. Banter is acceptable to a degree, however if someone asks for it to stop. IT STOPS. Being an egomaniac that sees themselves as above others or the guild, as well as, racist/homophobic remarks are never tolerated here. If you cannot abide by these simple rules, then this guild is not for you.

Our raid times are Tues/Thursday 8pm-11pm CST.

You can get a little sense of our history and guild environment by watching this highlight video:

If you're interested in joining please fill out the following application:

Last updated 242 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Sylveas

Officers: Monkenjoyer

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 264
GroupID 644518
GuildID 680725

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago