
3/8 M
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 3rd Raid Week)
8/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Mythic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 19th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Valyrian

We are now on Area-52! You will have to view our previous kill history by searching for Valyrian guild on Kil’jaeden.


Valyrian is built around our core group of players who decided to return to the game in Legion, after a hiatus in Cataclysm. After being on the server Kil'jaeden since 2011, we have decided to move to Area-52 for Shadowlands and the foreseeable future. Our core has been playing games together for many years, dating back to 10-15+ years ago during the days of Dark Age of Camelot, who then moved to Vanilla WoW on release. We are an "older" crowd compared to most guilds, with the majority of ages ranging 25-35+. Since most of us are older now, we don't have the time nor do we care to invest 16+ hours of raid every week. With that said we expect a high raid attendance, after all its only 2 nights a week. HOWEVER, we do expect to be competitive and be the best 2 night/6 hour guild we can be. We have achieved Cutting Edge since the end of Legion and all throughout BFA.

We recruit based upon your personality and attitude, but we are still performance and attendance based. This means your spot within the raid is dependent on how you perform, how often you miss raids and most importantly, how well you mesh with everyone in the guild. ***We tolerate zero drama***. This has always been a core part of our guild. We value our environment as a guild group to be fun, yet laid back. We also have many people who hang around discord playing other games; we value our community as whole, during and outside of raid. We have several guild members who love M+, whether it be pushing high keys or just spamming low keys on alts.


We are currently recruiting those who share our mindset and goals, even if your class and role isn’t listed below. We strive to be the best 6 hour guild we can be, so give us a message! Casuals who are not interested in joining the mythic raid team, are always welcome at anytime.

++Currently looking for:++

  • A tank, a healer, and a few dps. Mage and warrior preferred.


Tuesday and Thursday

6:30 - 9:30 PST

Optional heroic farm/sale run on Wednesday or Sunday.


You may submit an application here:

**After submitting your application, you can revisit this link or refresh the page to see notes and view the status of your application.** *There will also be a link to join our guild discord within the application.*

You can also message us via discord for any additional questions.

Discord Tags: xthundr, Krypticduh, or Briggsta

Last updated 79 weeks ago
About Valyrian

We are now on Area-52! You will have to view our previous kill history by searching for Valyrian guild on Kil’jaeden.


Valyrian is built around our core group of players who decided to return to the game in Legion, after a hiatus in Cataclysm. After being on the server Kil'jaeden since 2011, we have decided to move to Area-52 for Shadowlands and the foreseeable future. Our core has been playing games together for many years, dating back to 10-15+ years ago during the days of Dark Age of Camelot, who then moved to Vanilla WoW on release. We are an "older" crowd compared to most guilds, with the majority of ages ranging 25-35+. Since most of us are older now, we don't have the time nor do we care to invest 16+ hours of raid every week. With that said we expect a high raid attendance, after all its only 2 nights a week. HOWEVER, we do expect to be competitive and be the best 2 night/6 hour guild we can be. We have achieved Cutting Edge since the end of Legion and all throughout BFA.

We recruit based upon your personality and attitude, but we are still performance and attendance based. This means your spot within the raid is dependent on how you perform, how often you miss raids and most importantly, how well you mesh with everyone in the guild. ***We tolerate zero drama***. This has always been a core part of our guild. We value our environment as a guild group to be fun, yet laid back. We also have many people who hang around discord playing other games; we value our community as whole, during and outside of raid. We have several guild members who love M+, whether it be pushing high keys or just spamming low keys on alts.


We are currently recruiting those who share our mindset and goals, even if your class and role isn’t listed below. We strive to be the best 6 hour guild we can be, so give us a message! Casuals who are not interested in joining the mythic raid team, are always welcome at anytime.

++Currently looking for:++

  • A tank, a healer, and a few dps. Mage and warrior preferred.


Tuesday and Thursday

6:30 - 9:30 PST

Optional heroic farm/sale run on Wednesday or Sunday.


You may submit an application here:

**After submitting your application, you can revisit this link or refresh the page to see notes and view the status of your application.** *There will also be a link to join our guild discord within the application.*

You can also message us via discord for any additional questions.

Discord Tags: xthundr, Krypticduh, or Briggsta

Last updated 79 weeks ago

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Mythic3/8 M78831358
Heroic8/8 H1,38149585
Normal8/8 N32932957
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic8/8 M1,02137062
Heroic8/8 H47019533
Normal8/8 N46346378
Blackrock Depths
Heroic7/8 H1,73370875
RealmID 264
GroupID 389069
GuildID 387875

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago