
2/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 9th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Desolate

Desolate is an amalgamation of old and new friends who have played together and in separate guilds since Wrath of the Lich King. Many of our core players have been doing high-level raiding content every expansion, and every season, whether that be heroic, mythic, or whatever was king at the time. Desolate was formed in Dragonflight 10.2 when new and old friends got back together to begin raiding together again.

The guild was originally designed to emphasize heroic raiding, mythic+, and cordial camaraderie between its guildmates. Our primary goal is to create a welcoming environment in which people of all experience levels, backgrounds, ages, and interests can come together to enjoy whatever aspect of the game they are currently interested in. Our secondary goal is to complete heroic raiding each season. And our tertiary goal is to provide a pathway to progress through mythic raiding content for raiders looking to push further each tier. We began raiding mythic Amirdrassil in DF Season 3 and were a top 10 guild on the realm. We were #2 on the realm for Heroic clearing in Season 4.

Desolate welcomes three types of applicants: members, heroic raiders, and mythic raiders.

Our admission criteria is based on the role applied for. The thing we look for in all applicants is overall fit with the guild. If you are a good social match, we would love to have you as a member. If you are applying for heroic raiding, the second thing we look for is skill level in your class/spec/role. We expect heroic raiders to put their best foot forward, do their best, and always work to improve. If you are applying for mythic raiding, the third thing we look for is patience, level-headedness, and group mentality. Mythic is a tertiary goal, and we are currently building our mythic roster. We ask all prospective mythic raiders to understand that requirements for mythic raiding (e.g., skill, time, reliability, group size, etc.) are more stringent across the board and that we have to optimize decisions accordingly.

For additional information about the guild and role expectations, please visit our website:

Alternatively, please feel free to reach out to any of our officers at any time. We are friendly and would be happy to chat.

++Guild Officers and their Discord Info++

    Guild Master: Charisma (digitaldeviant)
    Officer: Kago (kagolith)
    Officer: Joel (statstalk)
    Officer: Retnuh (retnuh1021)
    Officer: Mori (morixi)
    Officer: Tyr (whalephant)

++Guild Schedule++

We currently raid two main nights per week: Tuesday & Thursday from 8PM until 10PM CST.

Tuesday 8PM-10PM CST (Heroic/Mythic Push Raid)
Thursday 8PM-10PM CST (Heroic/Mythic Push Raid)

We occasionally extend raid nights by 30 minutes or add an extra raid day on Sunday (same time) if it's needed for progression.

We also typically have an alt raid on Fridays from 8PM CST until it's cleared

Friday 8PM-11PM CST (Normal/Heroic Alt Raid)

++Past and Current Progression++

TWW Season 1: 2/9 Mythic Nerub-ar Palace
TWW Season 1: 8/8 Heroic Nerub-ar Palace
DF Season 4: Awakened 8/8H VOTI
DF Season 4: Awakened 9/9H Aberrus
DF Season 4: Awakened 9/9H Amirdrassil
1/9 Mythic Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
9/9 Heroic Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
9/9 Heroic Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible

Last updated 4 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Charisma

Officers: Diurd, Joel, Khago, Khego, Morriffic, Retnuh, Tauralyon

About Desolate

Desolate is an amalgamation of old and new friends who have played together and in separate guilds since Wrath of the Lich King. Many of our core players have been doing high-level raiding content every expansion, and every season, whether that be heroic, mythic, or whatever was king at the time. Desolate was formed in Dragonflight 10.2 when new and old friends got back together to begin raiding together again.

The guild was originally designed to emphasize heroic raiding, mythic+, and cordial camaraderie between its guildmates. Our primary goal is to create a welcoming environment in which people of all experience levels, backgrounds, ages, and interests can come together to enjoy whatever aspect of the game they are currently interested in. Our secondary goal is to complete heroic raiding each season. And our tertiary goal is to provide a pathway to progress through mythic raiding content for raiders looking to push further each tier. We began raiding mythic Amirdrassil in DF Season 3 and were a top 10 guild on the realm. We were #2 on the realm for Heroic clearing in Season 4.

Desolate welcomes three types of applicants: members, heroic raiders, and mythic raiders.

Our admission criteria is based on the role applied for. The thing we look for in all applicants is overall fit with the guild. If you are a good social match, we would love to have you as a member. If you are applying for heroic raiding, the second thing we look for is skill level in your class/spec/role. We expect heroic raiders to put their best foot forward, do their best, and always work to improve. If you are applying for mythic raiding, the third thing we look for is patience, level-headedness, and group mentality. Mythic is a tertiary goal, and we are currently building our mythic roster. We ask all prospective mythic raiders to understand that requirements for mythic raiding (e.g., skill, time, reliability, group size, etc.) are more stringent across the board and that we have to optimize decisions accordingly.

For additional information about the guild and role expectations, please visit our website:

Alternatively, please feel free to reach out to any of our officers at any time. We are friendly and would be happy to chat.

++Guild Officers and their Discord Info++

    Guild Master: Charisma (digitaldeviant)
    Officer: Kago (kagolith)
    Officer: Joel (statstalk)
    Officer: Retnuh (retnuh1021)
    Officer: Mori (morixi)
    Officer: Tyr (whalephant)

++Guild Schedule++

We currently raid two main nights per week: Tuesday & Thursday from 8PM until 10PM CST.

Tuesday 8PM-10PM CST (Heroic/Mythic Push Raid)
Thursday 8PM-10PM CST (Heroic/Mythic Push Raid)

We occasionally extend raid nights by 30 minutes or add an extra raid day on Sunday (same time) if it's needed for progression.

We also typically have an alt raid on Fridays from 8PM CST until it's cleared

Friday 8PM-11PM CST (Normal/Heroic Alt Raid)

++Past and Current Progression++

TWW Season 1: 2/9 Mythic Nerub-ar Palace
TWW Season 1: 8/8 Heroic Nerub-ar Palace
DF Season 4: Awakened 8/8H VOTI
DF Season 4: Awakened 9/9H Aberrus
DF Season 4: Awakened 9/9H Amirdrassil
1/9 Mythic Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
9/9 Heroic Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
9/9 Heroic Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible

Last updated 4 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Charisma

Officers: Diurd, Joel, Khago, Khego, Morriffic, Retnuh, Tauralyon

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic2/8 M6,1312,43220
Heroic8/8 H9,7654,28025
Normal8/8 N11,6555,26932
RealmID 269
GroupID 1971268
GuildID 1970591

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago