
6/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 2nd Raid Week)
2/8 H
Blackrock Depths

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 13 hours ago

About Arbitrary

First and foremost it's important that you are applying for a guild that will meet your goals for the game to avoid any kind of burn out / disappointment or resentment towards the team. We are a 15 year old Guild that has kept a strong, sustainable team that has survived thick and thin! We have formed strong bonds both in game and out, and are here to stay.

Our goal as a raiding guild is to be the most successful one night guild we can be. We do this by applying a Cutting Edge mentality to our team, and pushing our limit as best we can. Strong preparation and the love for progression motivates our team. This means ensuring our toons are as strong as the game will allow (All power grinds, including M+ are always maximized) and always keeping our commitments to the guild.

Our more recent progression

  • Battle for Dazar'ralor 8/9 M
  • Nya'lotha 12/12 M
  • Castle Nathria 8/10 M
  • Sanctum of Domination 9/10M
  • Sepulcher of the Fallen Ones (Casual Tier) 4/11M
  • Vault of the Incarnates 6/8M (Stopped on Broodmother as CE was out of reach)
  • Aberrus 5/9M (Tried a different progression model based on farming not progging)
  • [Went 2 Nights] Amirdrassil 8/9 M
  • Currently 5/8 M in Nerub'ar Palace

Raid Times

  • 7:50pm - 11:00pm QLD TIME Wednesday
  • During DST it may shift 30 to 60 mins to cater for time zones. Never earlier.
  • First 3-4 weeks of a tier: We will also raid on Thursdays and Mondays
  • The expectation is that everyone does everything they can in the early days to make the extra nights, we understand SOME can't and we plan around it

The type of player we look for are those who can stand the test of time, don't get exhausted on wall bosses, but see it as an exciting hurdle to jump! Above all however - those who see it as a real commitment because cancelling raids on a one night schedule REALLY REALLY stunts progression. We value honesty and the ability to openly discuss mistakes, improvements and iterative problem solving without throwing the toys out of the pram ;)

Apply here:

Last updated 6 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Baratus

Officers: Daedolon, Dangos, Gonaddz

About Arbitrary

First and foremost it's important that you are applying for a guild that will meet your goals for the game to avoid any kind of burn out / disappointment or resentment towards the team. We are a 15 year old Guild that has kept a strong, sustainable team that has survived thick and thin! We have formed strong bonds both in game and out, and are here to stay.

Our goal as a raiding guild is to be the most successful one night guild we can be. We do this by applying a Cutting Edge mentality to our team, and pushing our limit as best we can. Strong preparation and the love for progression motivates our team. This means ensuring our toons are as strong as the game will allow (All power grinds, including M+ are always maximized) and always keeping our commitments to the guild.

Our more recent progression

  • Battle for Dazar'ralor 8/9 M
  • Nya'lotha 12/12 M
  • Castle Nathria 8/10 M
  • Sanctum of Domination 9/10M
  • Sepulcher of the Fallen Ones (Casual Tier) 4/11M
  • Vault of the Incarnates 6/8M (Stopped on Broodmother as CE was out of reach)
  • Aberrus 5/9M (Tried a different progression model based on farming not progging)
  • [Went 2 Nights] Amirdrassil 8/9 M
  • Currently 5/8 M in Nerub'ar Palace

Raid Times

  • 7:50pm - 11:00pm QLD TIME Wednesday
  • During DST it may shift 30 to 60 mins to cater for time zones. Never earlier.
  • First 3-4 weeks of a tier: We will also raid on Thursdays and Mondays
  • The expectation is that everyone does everything they can in the early days to make the extra nights, we understand SOME can't and we plan around it

The type of player we look for are those who can stand the test of time, don't get exhausted on wall bosses, but see it as an exciting hurdle to jump! Above all however - those who see it as a real commitment because cancelling raids on a one night schedule REALLY REALLY stunts progression. We value honesty and the ability to openly discuss mistakes, improvements and iterative problem solving without throwing the toys out of the pram ;)

Apply here:

Last updated 6 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Baratus

Officers: Daedolon, Dangos, Gonaddz

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic6/8 M2,21287010
Heroic8/8 H1,3925067
Normal8/8 N6395948
Blackrock Depths
Heroic2/8 H3,9011,66128
Normal5/8 N2,7701,44424
RealmID 276
GroupID 233547
GuildID 115883

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 13 hours ago