6/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 6th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago

About Crook

<Crook> is an established guild with a strong core of quality raiders. We are a semi-hardcore guild, completing AOTC every tier and pushing into Mythic difficulty. We are currently 6/8H. We consistently have players pushing and selling high M+, with multiple 3k+ players

Previously raided under the guild name <Restitution> hence why our previous progression doesn't show. This being 6/12M in Nya'lotha, as well as AOTC in every prior tier since the guilds formation.

  • All Classes welcome to apply
  • Raiding Schedule: Wed/Thu 8pm-11pm ST

Feel free to message one of our officers for a chat.

Jaimz#1564 - GM
Meridian#1284 - Officer

Last updated 25 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Jaimz

Officers: Gaggels, Lisarindra, Testtube, Wurst

About Crook

<Crook> is an established guild with a strong core of quality raiders. We are a semi-hardcore guild, completing AOTC every tier and pushing into Mythic difficulty. We are currently 6/8H. We consistently have players pushing and selling high M+, with multiple 3k+ players

Previously raided under the guild name <Restitution> hence why our previous progression doesn't show. This being 6/12M in Nya'lotha, as well as AOTC in every prior tier since the guilds formation.

  • All Classes welcome to apply
  • Raiding Schedule: Wed/Thu 8pm-11pm ST

Feel free to message one of our officers for a chat.

Jaimz#1564 - GM
Meridian#1284 - Officer

Last updated 25 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Jaimz

Officers: Gaggels, Lisarindra, Testtube, Wurst

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic6/8 H3,1151,26219
Normal8/8 N84380111
Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H4,7861,88635
Normal8/8 N2,5221,27316
RealmID 276
GroupID 1260537
GuildID 1293692

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago