Last scanned 1 day ago
About Esteemed |
Wednesdays & Thursdays 10:30PM - 1:45AM SVT (8:30PM - 11:45PM GMT+8) Esteemed is a raiding guild formed during late BFA Ny'alotha. We aim to achieve CE every tier. Casuals and M+ players are welcome to join our family too! ===Achievements=== 10/10M Ny'alotha (Realm 25) 10/10M Castle Nathria (Realm 14) 10/10M Sanctum of Domination (TBA!) ===Recruitment=== Currently recruiting for 9.2! Tank - Closed Healer - Open Melee DPS - Open Range DPS - Open Opening all healer/dps roles for 9.2 due to reshuffling, all are welcome to apply! ===Contact us=== Merci#11230 / Shiniee#6605 / Morphicism / Vynmakdul / Clovis#1717 Discord : 5mHbBP4Y9K Last updated 167 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Imshinjiee Officers: Shinbiee |
About Esteemed |
Wednesdays & Thursdays 10:30PM - 1:45AM SVT (8:30PM - 11:45PM GMT+8) Esteemed is a raiding guild formed during late BFA Ny'alotha. We aim to achieve CE every tier. Casuals and M+ players are welcome to join our family too! ===Achievements=== 10/10M Ny'alotha (Realm 25) 10/10M Castle Nathria (Realm 14) 10/10M Sanctum of Domination (TBA!) ===Recruitment=== Currently recruiting for 9.2! Tank - Closed Healer - Open Melee DPS - Open Range DPS - Open Opening all healer/dps roles for 9.2 due to reshuffling, all are welcome to apply! ===Contact us=== Merci#11230 / Shiniee#6605 / Morphicism / Vynmakdul / Clovis#1717 Discord : 5mHbBP4Y9K Last updated 167 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?