Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 8 weeks ago

About Relax

Relax Is a progression focused raiding guild looking to push and clear the most difficult content in it’s current patch.

We are developing a strong core that wants to push progression within limited raiding hours.

Our Current members come well prepared for each progression boss, whilst quickly learning from their mistakes.

We’re looking for like minded people to excel at their class, and be able to both take and give constructive feedback where needed.

As we are a progression focused guild with limited raiding hours, performance is key.

We also maintain a friendly environment in and out of raid. Toxic behavior is frowned upon and will be dealt with swiftly.

Outside of raid times there will be groups of people hanging around Discord, playing WoW or a variety of other games.

Our Current Raid times, invites out @ 7:45pm Pull 8pm - 11pm AEST Thurs/Sun

Moving into Shadow lands we will need all raiders available for a 3rd night of progression raiding for the first 2 months

Currently Looking for but not limited too: : All Exceptional players are encourage to apply. Fapsalad#11481 Khumo#11603

Last updated 215 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Officers: Bolsterem, Magickillz, Nohealsfou, Rém, Seraphrem, Taevon, Tauram

About Relax

Relax Is a progression focused raiding guild looking to push and clear the most difficult content in it’s current patch.

We are developing a strong core that wants to push progression within limited raiding hours.

Our Current members come well prepared for each progression boss, whilst quickly learning from their mistakes.

We’re looking for like minded people to excel at their class, and be able to both take and give constructive feedback where needed.

As we are a progression focused guild with limited raiding hours, performance is key.

We also maintain a friendly environment in and out of raid. Toxic behavior is frowned upon and will be dealt with swiftly.

Outside of raid times there will be groups of people hanging around Discord, playing WoW or a variety of other games.

Our Current Raid times, invites out @ 7:45pm Pull 8pm - 11pm AEST Thurs/Sun

Moving into Shadow lands we will need all raiders available for a 3rd night of progression raiding for the first 2 months

Currently Looking for but not limited too: : All Exceptional players are encourage to apply. Fapsalad#11481 Khumo#11603

Last updated 215 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Officers: Bolsterem, Magickillz, Nohealsfou, Rém, Seraphrem, Taevon, Tauram

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID: 276
GroupID: 1268647
GuildID: 1301819

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 8 weeks ago