Last scanned 4 days ago
About Vortex |
Hi there! We are a 2-day, progression-oriented raiding team on Barthilas-US (Oceanic) going for CE. Vortex has been around pushing to clear raids as current content for more than a decade, consisting of raiders that want to get CE and are keen to put in the effort that it takes. We are currently recruiting! We’re looking for progression-minded players of all roles and classes, with a high preference towards DPS players. If you would like to apply, our application form can be found at the link below. Our Discord can be found here: Our Raid times are: Wed 7pm-10pm AEST (Barthilas server time) Sun 7pm-10pm AEST (Barthilas server time) Contact our officers through Bnet: Randomno#1372 or Dani#1763 if you have any questions or would like a private chat. Last updated 3 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Randomno Officers: Mourningsage, November, Taidyox |
About Vortex |
Hi there! We are a 2-day, progression-oriented raiding team on Barthilas-US (Oceanic) going for CE. Vortex has been around pushing to clear raids as current content for more than a decade, consisting of raiders that want to get CE and are keen to put in the effort that it takes. We are currently recruiting! We’re looking for progression-minded players of all roles and classes, with a high preference towards DPS players. If you would like to apply, our application form can be found at the link below. Our Discord can be found here: Our Raid times are: Wed 7pm-10pm AEST (Barthilas server time) Sun 7pm-10pm AEST (Barthilas server time) Contact our officers through Bnet: Randomno#1372 or Dani#1763 if you have any questions or would like a private chat. Last updated 3 weeks ago |