Last scanned 19 hours ago
About SG |
SG is a US raiding guild on Bleeding Hollow that has been active since launch. Most of us have played since BC but have come into SG throughout the years. Going under "new management" in WoD, we re-evaluated our goals. As a guild, we learned that getting AOTC each tier with friends is more fun than stressing through Mythics with the following drama. We've achieved that by changing our mentality to bringing the player, not the class, and understanding that we aren't the cutting-edge guild some people push for. SG has achieved AOTC in every raid tier since. Last updated 133 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Novelus Officers: Dizzyharris, Dizzyhippo, Dpusha, Kaeliri, Nadiiya, Treekinout |
About SG |
SG is a US raiding guild on Bleeding Hollow that has been active since launch. Most of us have played since BC but have come into SG throughout the years. Going under "new management" in WoD, we re-evaluated our goals. As a guild, we learned that getting AOTC each tier with friends is more fun than stressing through Mythics with the following drama. We've achieved that by changing our mentality to bringing the player, not the class, and understanding that we aren't the cutting-edge guild some people push for. SG has achieved AOTC in every raid tier since. Last updated 133 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Novelus Officers: Dizzyharris, Dizzyhippo, Dpusha, Kaeliri, Nadiiya, Treekinout |