4/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
3/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 8 hours ago

About Wumbology

About Wumbology

We are a Horde guild on US-Burning Blade (connected Lightning's Blade and Onyxia). Our goal is to be an all around solid guild where skilled players can hang out with other passionate players to perform at high levels in PvP and PvE content.

Our Raid and Schedule

We raid on a minimally life-invasive, two day a week raid schedule, therefore focus during raid and efficiency in pulls is of utmost importance. We look to maintain a capable roster with consistent raiders to full clear raid content each tier. We keep our raid positions competitive, so talented raiders of any role are always welcome to apply.


We raid ++7 ½ hours per week++ on the following schedule:


  • Tuesday from 7:15 PM EST - 11 PM EST
  • Wednesday from 7:15 PM EST - 11 PM EST

We take one 10 minute break about halfway through raid.

Our Expectations

As a 2 day a week guild, we need to make every hour count. As such, coming to raid prepared with consumables and knowledge of the fight is critical.

  • ++Maintain an 85% attendance++ - A group of consistent raiders keeps progression moving forward without the need to re-teach fights.
  • ++Progression experience in Mythic raiding++ - This is favorable, however good research, reliability, communication and skill go a long way.
  • ++A positive, constructive attitude++ - Raiding is more fun with a good environment. While keeping focused on getting the job done efficiently, having a friendly demeanor keeps everyone content in the long run. Constructive criticism should be given in such a way to help someone improve and not to belittle or humiliate your fellow raiders.
  • ++Constant improvement++ - Since we keep our positions competitive, everyone should understand that no matter how good you may be, you can always improve.

Our Commitment to you

During the week, we partake in a fair amount of shenanigans with each other and other non-raiding members of the guild. We appreciate devotion to any aspect of the game, enjoy good company and are a home to lots of obsessed achievement, vanity pets, mount and lore oriented players who are always looking for others who share their interest. We’ve also maintained highest guild RBG rating on our server cluster since our founding in MoP.

In a raiding environment you can expect:

  • ++A roster of ~25 raiders++ - This allows us to cover and class-based fights and potential absences.
  • ++Fair play time++ - We maintain a google doc where we post which players will be in for given boss fights on a weekly basis. This also allows us to make sure all players get the bosses they need and equal amounts of raid time.
  • ++A loot council (for unwanted personal loot drops)++ - Any personal loot drops that a player does not want or need is given out with a loot council system (using RCLootCouncil) based mostly on BiS and stat priorities.

How to contact us or apply

To learn more about who we are and how we operate, you can check out our website ++


To apply, click under the the “Apply here!” section on the left side of the page or you can add Hoboedd#7219 (discord) or Brisnger#9267 (discord)(Recruitment Officer).

Thanks for taking the time to check us out, we hope that you'll find us to your liking.

Last updated 327 weeks ago
About Wumbology

About Wumbology

We are a Horde guild on US-Burning Blade (connected Lightning's Blade and Onyxia). Our goal is to be an all around solid guild where skilled players can hang out with other passionate players to perform at high levels in PvP and PvE content.

Our Raid and Schedule

We raid on a minimally life-invasive, two day a week raid schedule, therefore focus during raid and efficiency in pulls is of utmost importance. We look to maintain a capable roster with consistent raiders to full clear raid content each tier. We keep our raid positions competitive, so talented raiders of any role are always welcome to apply.


We raid ++7 ½ hours per week++ on the following schedule:


  • Tuesday from 7:15 PM EST - 11 PM EST
  • Wednesday from 7:15 PM EST - 11 PM EST

We take one 10 minute break about halfway through raid.

Our Expectations

As a 2 day a week guild, we need to make every hour count. As such, coming to raid prepared with consumables and knowledge of the fight is critical.

  • ++Maintain an 85% attendance++ - A group of consistent raiders keeps progression moving forward without the need to re-teach fights.
  • ++Progression experience in Mythic raiding++ - This is favorable, however good research, reliability, communication and skill go a long way.
  • ++A positive, constructive attitude++ - Raiding is more fun with a good environment. While keeping focused on getting the job done efficiently, having a friendly demeanor keeps everyone content in the long run. Constructive criticism should be given in such a way to help someone improve and not to belittle or humiliate your fellow raiders.
  • ++Constant improvement++ - Since we keep our positions competitive, everyone should understand that no matter how good you may be, you can always improve.

Our Commitment to you

During the week, we partake in a fair amount of shenanigans with each other and other non-raiding members of the guild. We appreciate devotion to any aspect of the game, enjoy good company and are a home to lots of obsessed achievement, vanity pets, mount and lore oriented players who are always looking for others who share their interest. We’ve also maintained highest guild RBG rating on our server cluster since our founding in MoP.

In a raiding environment you can expect:

  • ++A roster of ~25 raiders++ - This allows us to cover and class-based fights and potential absences.
  • ++Fair play time++ - We maintain a google doc where we post which players will be in for given boss fights on a weekly basis. This also allows us to make sure all players get the bosses they need and equal amounts of raid time.
  • ++A loot council (for unwanted personal loot drops)++ - Any personal loot drops that a player does not want or need is given out with a loot council system (using RCLootCouncil) based mostly on BiS and stat priorities.

How to contact us or apply

To learn more about who we are and how we operate, you can check out our website ++


To apply, click under the the “Apply here!” section on the left side of the page or you can add Hoboedd#7219 (discord) or Brisnger#9267 (discord)(Recruitment Officer).

Thanks for taking the time to check us out, we hope that you'll find us to your liking.

Last updated 327 weeks ago

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic4/8 H5,1871,91214
Normal8/8 N4,8682,28921
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic3/8 M5,4912,14711
Heroic8/8 H2,7641,0667
Normal8/8 N3883883
Blackrock Depths
Heroic8/8 H5042003
RealmID 292
GroupID 12514
GuildID 27297

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 8 hours ago