
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 8th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About Crossbones

We have maintained the same 2 raid teams for over decade. One team is CE focused (Aggro Whores) and the other is AOTC focused (GOM).

As of 2022, our mythic focused team has retired after 14 wonderful years. Our heroic casual team remains active. ​

What we are looking for:

  • GOM is looking for dps, ideally with heals OS.
  • Must be an adult - average raider age is mid-late 30s.
  • Must be able to attend 90% of raids. When real life happens, notification of absence in advance is considered a courtesy to your fellow teammates and assists with roster management.
  • Great raid awareness.


  • GOM - Tuesday and Thursday 6:30-9 Central

About the guild:

After 3 years of successful joint raiding, Crossbones was formed on September 6th, 2010 as a merger of two successful vanilla raiding guilds; <Brothers of Night> and <Shadow Strikers> and is still led by officers of the original 2 guilds.

Shadowlands is our 6th expansion since merging and the guild is more active than ever. As the guild grows, so do our players. The average guildie age is mid to late 30s.

Crossbones has created an unparalleled sense of community that extends well beyond the game.

  • 2019 was our 8th annual guild party, the last 4 of which were at/during Blizzcon
  • In 2020, the guild raised over $5,630 for charity between the Great Plains SPCA and the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals
  • In 2021, the guild raised $5,876 for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals!
  • Extremely active Discord with over 125 members from the guild

On December 1st 2008, we split the raid group into the two teams. Aggro Whores (led by Kaligaran), our mythic focused group retired in 2022 after 14 wonderful years but GOM (led by Tandarin) continues to thrive on end-game content on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-9pm cst.

We look forward to the future and enjoying more content and expansions with the fantastic community that is Crossbones!

Additional Information:

Our raiding policy and code of conduct are listed on our website at (please make an account to see all of the site's content).

Last updated 160 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Spirulina

Officers: Applepie

About Crossbones

We have maintained the same 2 raid teams for over decade. One team is CE focused (Aggro Whores) and the other is AOTC focused (GOM).

As of 2022, our mythic focused team has retired after 14 wonderful years. Our heroic casual team remains active. ​

What we are looking for:

  • GOM is looking for dps, ideally with heals OS.
  • Must be an adult - average raider age is mid-late 30s.
  • Must be able to attend 90% of raids. When real life happens, notification of absence in advance is considered a courtesy to your fellow teammates and assists with roster management.
  • Great raid awareness.


  • GOM - Tuesday and Thursday 6:30-9 Central

About the guild:

After 3 years of successful joint raiding, Crossbones was formed on September 6th, 2010 as a merger of two successful vanilla raiding guilds; <Brothers of Night> and <Shadow Strikers> and is still led by officers of the original 2 guilds.

Shadowlands is our 6th expansion since merging and the guild is more active than ever. As the guild grows, so do our players. The average guildie age is mid to late 30s.

Crossbones has created an unparalleled sense of community that extends well beyond the game.

  • 2019 was our 8th annual guild party, the last 4 of which were at/during Blizzcon
  • In 2020, the guild raised over $5,630 for charity between the Great Plains SPCA and the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals
  • In 2021, the guild raised $5,876 for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals!
  • Extremely active Discord with over 125 members from the guild

On December 1st 2008, we split the raid group into the two teams. Aggro Whores (led by Kaligaran), our mythic focused group retired in 2022 after 14 wonderful years but GOM (led by Tandarin) continues to thrive on end-game content on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-9pm cst.

We look forward to the future and enjoying more content and expansions with the fantastic community that is Crossbones!

Additional Information:

Our raiding policy and code of conduct are listed on our website at (please make an account to see all of the site's content).

Last updated 160 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Spirulina

Officers: Applepie

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H8,4783,66523
Normal8/8 N14,9687,02966
RealmID 293
GroupID 2298
GuildID 11251

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago